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Kava "insomnia" (Weird sleep)

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Kava Curious
So, I've been drinking the lateral root from kava king the past few weeks more or less daily.
It's a wonderful heady Kava in many ways, but it really messes with my sleep patterns, so I wonder if any of you have similar experiences, and perhaps solutions? (that doesn't involve cuting out Kava :p )

First of all I shouldn't call it insomnia cause I do fall sleep, however I tend to wake up many times during the night, and it always feels as if I've been sleeping longer than I actually had. I also tend to believe that I'm not sleeping while I'm actually asleep, kind of lucid. My dreams are extremely vivid, to the point of me having to ask myself if I actually dreamt it or if it was something that had happened the previous day etc. (which usually becomes obvious a few minutes after waking up with it's easier to separate the absurdity of dreams from woken awareness.

I'm not sure if I want to call this a problem or not? I have had many other Kavas before, some made me sleep really deep, but I felt very sluggish the next day, this one gives me zero negative after effects, just this tranquillity glow that lingers for most of the next day until I have another shell after Uni.
The thing that anoys me is the constant waking up and checking the clock just to find out it's still somethig like 3:50 am etc.
So, anyone have similar experiences? Would melatonin help?

I love this kind of heady kava, it gives me the best of two worlds I have more or less cut out from mine. I really like the "party" aspect of it. Or rather social aspect. Which heavier kavas never gave me, they were more like the apathy of some afghan charas, which is not what I'm looking for at all. I mostly drink as an alternative to alcohol, and I was heavy social drinker, so I can't complain on the kava since it gives me exactly that, but honestly I feel like I have better sleep on a lot of beer (I am sure this is not the case though cause although I wake up during the night I always feel as if I slept enough when I get up in the morning).

Not really a serious problem, just an annoyance that would be nice to find a solution to...


Kava aficionado
I have had a similar experience from time to time and aside from not drinking a few hours before bed time, I find it that turning off the lights (specially the TV, phone and other electronic devices) way before bedtime also help a lot, at least an hour before hitting the hay.


mercy triumphs over judgment
I think your descriptions are right on target with how I feel many nights. I drink mo'i and mahakea, or a combination of both. After over two years I am still trying to find the right balance. Some nights are better than others.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
First of all I shouldn't call it insomnia cause I do fall sleep, however I tend to wake up many times during the night, and it always feels as if I've been sleeping longer than I actually had. I also tend to believe that I'm not sleeping while I'm actually asleep, kind of lucid. My dreams are extremely vivid, to the point of me having to ask myself if I actually dreamt it or if it was something that had happened the previous day etc. (which usually becomes obvious a few minutes after waking up with it's easier to separate the absurdity of dreams from woken awareness.

I'm not sure if I want to call this a problem or not?
One man's fish is another man's poisson. I get this every single night and it's one of the main reasons I love kava. I don't even bother inducing lucid dreams any more because these are better.

When I do wake in the night, I usually just zombie walk to the can, pee, zombie wash my zombie hands, zombie walk back to bed, grope the wife just long enough not to wake her up then go immediately back to sleep, which is easy because I never wake beyond zombie state. It's not a bug, it's a feature! It's an alternative lifestyle choice. :)

in fact, on Monday I zombie woke after dawn and zombie walked down to my pond and zombie rowed. For the first half hour I was still dreaming while rowing, and then woke but only as a gradual process. It has for a long time been a goal of mine to more fully integrate my dreaming and waking life, particularly to make it more seamless, and this was my greatest achievement so far. Or, I should say, kava's achievement.

oh, and the reason you "tend to wake up many times during the night, and it always feels as if I've been sleeping longer than I actually had" is because you are getting way more and better REM sleep. That's a good thing. Just adjust, don't worry, and learn to enjoy it if you can.
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