I have used Kava for about 3 months now. I guess I got some bad info starting out about dosing size (thanks You Tube!) because I started out making 1 cup Kava, 4 cup water/almond milk and would drink half and save the other half for the next day. I am a big guy 6' 4" 279lbs so this amount gave me a great effects. After a while, whenever I would go less than this, I wouldn't really feel the effects (although not what I was used to. I did it everyday for
about a month and then ran out. Two days later I started getting really bad chills and was very tired. I just felt like overall crap. I must admit that I am on Adderall 30mg XR and take K@ for the adderall crash. I never take them all at the same time (usually about 4 hours apart) I felt like this for about 3-4 days before it subsided. After taking a break for a couple of weeks, I used it again for several more weeks at the same dosage. Upon quitting again, I noticed the same symptoms return for several days.
I know Kava by itself has no withdrawl and is not something to be concerned about but I am wondering if Kava consumed on the same day as Adderall/K@ for long periods of time caused me to have these symptoms (chills/hot flashes, rash, lethargy, sweating). I read that Kava, or at least one Kavalactone (Yohimbe) is a mild MOA-B inhibitor and will potentiate adderall since it inhibits noradrenaline reuptake and MAO-B which metabolizes monoamines. I have never had an issue again since I lowered my dosage and drink 1 day with 3 days off. I am aware that I have just answered my own question (lower doses, longer duration between consumption) but I am curious why I had this reaction? I know it stemmed from stopping Kava abruptly but I am wondering if the combination of the three caused some temporary imbalance of neurotransmitters such as dopamine or serotonin. I also read that Kava works on the GABA receptors. The obvious answer is to NEVER TAKE THAT F-ING MUCH AGAIN!!! but maybe someone who is more knowledgeable in the pharmacology of Kava can give some insight into how Kavalactones work in the brain, and how the interaction with other substances can cause this type of reaction. I am sure that had I just been taking Kava, I wouldn't have felt a thing after stopping abruptly.
about a month and then ran out. Two days later I started getting really bad chills and was very tired. I just felt like overall crap. I must admit that I am on Adderall 30mg XR and take K@ for the adderall crash. I never take them all at the same time (usually about 4 hours apart) I felt like this for about 3-4 days before it subsided. After taking a break for a couple of weeks, I used it again for several more weeks at the same dosage. Upon quitting again, I noticed the same symptoms return for several days.
I know Kava by itself has no withdrawl and is not something to be concerned about but I am wondering if Kava consumed on the same day as Adderall/K@ for long periods of time caused me to have these symptoms (chills/hot flashes, rash, lethargy, sweating). I read that Kava, or at least one Kavalactone (Yohimbe) is a mild MOA-B inhibitor and will potentiate adderall since it inhibits noradrenaline reuptake and MAO-B which metabolizes monoamines. I have never had an issue again since I lowered my dosage and drink 1 day with 3 days off. I am aware that I have just answered my own question (lower doses, longer duration between consumption) but I am curious why I had this reaction? I know it stemmed from stopping Kava abruptly but I am wondering if the combination of the three caused some temporary imbalance of neurotransmitters such as dopamine or serotonin. I also read that Kava works on the GABA receptors. The obvious answer is to NEVER TAKE THAT F-ING MUCH AGAIN!!! but maybe someone who is more knowledgeable in the pharmacology of Kava can give some insight into how Kavalactones work in the brain, and how the interaction with other substances can cause this type of reaction. I am sure that had I just been taking Kava, I wouldn't have felt a thing after stopping abruptly.