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Kava Java Experiences?


Kava Curious
Hey Kava Loungers,
Have any of you tried kava with caffeine? Kava, at least for me, makes me feel really good euphoric, but combined with sleepiness. Caffeine, obviously, combats sleepiness and increases dopamine levels, thus increasing mood. What about the 2 combined?? Perhaps you could maintain that euphoric effect but without the sleepiness, and perhaps a boost of glee with the boosted dopamine. I found an experience here: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=7998. Granted, sometimes I enjoy the sleepiness kava induces, but there are other times where I would rather be more alert. Any experiences?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
No, don't do it.

There are kava strains out there that won't give you that sleepy feeling.

Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Tongan Kava from Nakamal @ Home and Boroguru from BHK didn't give me a sleepy feeling. YMMV.


Is there death before life?
I do it almost every other day, when Im done with my morning coffee, I start chugging Kava, lol

I didnt notice any crazy effects.


Kava Curious
Being a ADHD textbook example I need caffeine like I need a prostate exam which is the totally opposite reason why I love kava. If lived within driving distance to a nakamal I'd practically live there.


Personally I never noticed much effect either.... I drink coffee pretty regularly though, so that perhaps plays some part. I drink them both for totally different reasons though, the only reason I would experiment further with this combo is for the reported enhanced clarity of mind/ability to stay focused for longer periods of time. But then, if I wanted that, I would just down some Tongan pride from KBR lol, I couldn't sleep after that stuff if I tried...