You shouldn't expect kava to be anything like hydrocodone, you'll only disappoint yourself. You won't be nodding off on kava or anything like that, especially not right away. I don't know how much you've searched these boards but kava has an interesting reverse-tolerance characteristic where at first, you may not notice a thing and be disappointed, but the more you consume kava the more you will feel the effects. Over time, the more you consume kava, the less kava you'll need to experience the same effect. Isn't that cool? We tend to think so. If you are however looking for a pain killer kind of kava then you'll want to look for a kava particularly high in DHM and if you're looking for an anti stress kava, you'll want to find a kava high in kavain. I like to mix a DHM kava with a kavain kava for the best of both worlds but this is all going to be up to you. In time you'll find which kavas fit you and what you're looking for. Oh and, DHM and Kavain are two main kavalactones from the kava root, and many vendors will tell you which kavas contain which. If you don't see it on a website don't be afraid to contact them, they'll usually know.
Here's a cool table from Kava by Rex that explains the basics of kavalactones.
Anyway, with the extract from paradise what you'll want to do is put a few pea sized servings under your tongue (I personally enjoy putting it in my lower left cheek to get a numb face going) and let it dissolve. What you're doing is consuming the kavalactones sublingually which, with a little trial and error, we've discovered is actually quite an effective way of using kava. It works even better with this extract. But again, don't be too bummed out if you don't feel anything right away. Kava takes patience, it's shy at first. lol.
I'd recommend buying a Hawaiian dry-root kava after you use up your extract, simply because the Hawaiian kavas tend to taste a lot better for newbies than kava from other areas around the world. Plus there's nothing like the real grog, fresh squeezed and everything. With a little digging you'll be able to find all the cool methods of preparations the members here have discovered. Also check out Kava By Rex's info on how to make kava the traditional way. This is how I started making my kava and then eventually adapted to my own method.
Overall though have fun. Don't stress about kava, it's a fun and relaxing experience/hobby and over time you'll see that.