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Kava on Google Trends


Kava Curious
Take a look if you're curious/bored/not familiar with Google Trends:http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=kava&cmpt=q
Nothing too out of the ordinary.  Under Related Terms - Rising, the #2 is "zelena kava" which I've never heard of.  And apparently Estonia, by far, performs the most kava searches.  The US isn't even in the top 10.
You can also limit the results to your own region.  Apparently not a single person in Ohio did a google search for kava between December 2004 and May 2005.
All useless information of course, but interesting none-the-less.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Zelena Kava appears to be green coffee for weight loss from Slovakia.  There's also certain coffee that is called kava and not just coffee that is mixed with kava.


Kava Enthusiast
I think it more has to do with kava being a slang for coffee. If you throw "Vanuatu" in with it the results will drop substantially I imagine. I was kinda sketched when I first saw the thread as it made fear that kava had begun to blow it's cover and now dumb kids would youtubing videos of themselves staggering around krunk and next thing you know there's a special on Dateline titled "Kava Kava; the South Pacific elixir of Death and Destruction, are your children addicted to kava kava" .


Kava Curious
I see your points, "kava" is a bit too generic.  "kava kava" (with the quotes) seems to give some more expected results:http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%22kava%20kava%22&cmpt=q
The US is #1 with Canada not far behind.  Interestingly, searches have dropped pretty dramatically over the last decade.Searching the US by city shows that Portland, Oregon has the most searches.  I guess Bula Kava House is spreading quite a bit of interest.