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Kava Rash?


Kava Curious
I have been drinking kava for about 3 weeks now... not every day... this last weekend I got a bad rash all over my body, legs back face and all... I read this can be a side effect of kava, has anyone ever experienced this?


Kava Enthusiast
This happened to both totalrecall and KarmaG

Here are the posts



We need to start trying to figure out common issues between the 3 of you to see if we can figure out whats going on.

I hope its not as severe as KarmaG, she had to quit kava

describe in detail what your process is, do you do toss n wash, what kava you were using, any allergies you have, anything else u were taking at the same time?


Kava Enthusiast
Also, if you can remember, was there any change to your process on the session before you got the rash?


Kava Curious
I will post pictures and what happened on the 1st, but what happened to me seemed to be worse then others... but more so I did not drink kava that night.

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
I had very bad rash after drinking for a few months. It started with itching for a few days . Then...I woke up and it was Everywhere!!!!! BUT unlike my buddy my face was not the worse. His face was red and swollen. Just before I got it(the rash) I had started drinking a LOT MORE. Also I was drinking Isa my friend got from Hawaii. I never tossed and washed but he may have. I have been ok for 4 months now but I freak at every itch!!! I stopped all kava for over a month and was so sad I gave it another try and have been ok. My buddy had ONE 4 ounce shell and the next day his face swelled up..just from that ONE shell.


Kava Curious
ok, I have made a discovery here... I still drink beer but not while drinking kava, but it seems every time I drink beer the day after drinking kava I have a very hard time breathing and get a rash...  has anyone else had this or heard of this issue before?


Kava Enthusiast
When I gave up alcohol the last time for a few months, I decided to go ahead and try having the odd drink or two from time to time after I had started on kava (never at the same time). Each time my face/neck/hands would turn beet-red. This never happened before kava. There could be a legitimate reason, but it's probably too complex for us to figure out. Now I just avoid alcohol completely.

The difficulty breathing is probably related to the carry-over effect of kava and it's long half-life. You are adding a depressant to a sedative that is already in your body. Since they potentiate each other, it is likely a dangerous combo.


Kava Curious
KavaKrunked said:
When I gave up alcohol the last time for a few months, I decided to go ahead and try having the odd drink or two from time to time after I had started on kava (never at the same time). Each time my face/neck/hands would turn beet-red. This never happened before kava. There could be a legitimate reason, but it's probably too complex for us to figure out. Now I just avoid alcohol completely.

The difficulty breathing is probably related to the carry-over effect of kava and it's long half-life. You are adding a depressant to a sedative that is already in your body. Since they potentiate each other, it is likely a dangerous combo.
hrm shit you are saying kava stays in the body perhaps more then a day after it is taken?  Perhaps that is why i feel so good after the day I take it and also why the red skin/rubber-band lungs happen


Kava Enthusiast
KavaKrunked said:
When I gave up alcohol the last time for a few months, I decided to go ahead and try having the odd drink or two from time to time after I had started on kava (never at the same time). Each time my face/neck/hands would turn beet-red. This never happened before kava. There could be a legitimate reason, but it's probably too complex for us to figure out. Now I just avoid alcohol completely.

The difficulty breathing is probably related to the carry-over effect of kava and it's long half-life. You are adding a depressant to a sedative that is already in your body. Since they potentiate each other, it is likely a dangerous combo.
I have this exact same thing, especially if I drink red wine.


Kava Enthusiast
i was curious if this would help with the rash, saw it on a forum

"Such Kava skin reactions are believed to be that of depleted Niacin. Reside from Kava for 1-month and supplement With Niacin of the Skin Flushing Type & not The Niacin of the NON-Skin-Flushing type for 1 month. "


Kava Enthusiast
Very interesting. I'm googling Niacin supplements now and it seems like they cause skin flushing, so I'm confused by the idea that taking supplements of the skin flushing type would of benefit.... or maybe I'm not reading that right.