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Kava "Ritual"


I have this thing I do where I squeeze my kava in silence, without taking or watching tv or anything. and when the kava is ready to go I stir it up good with my coconut shell and then run the shell over the rim of the bowl counter clockwise, scoop up a big shell of kava, and then hold it above my head while thinking about the kava. Anything, like where it came from, the labor it took to pull it out of the ground and process it, the cultures all around the world who have been drinking it before me.. and then I quickly chug the kava in as few gulps as I can manage, and then clap my hands twice. For the rest of the shells, I simply drink them and then clap twice afterwards.

I don't know any actual kava drinking rituals done in other areas of the world, or their significance, I just kind of made this up because I wanted to feel closer to the kava. It may sound weird, but anyway, I was just wondering if any of you do this.

(smiley: smokin)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Clip Starting at 3:09...

(couldn't embed it from that point, thus the funny link from youtube)

That's what I do if I'm out side. I'll drop a little on the floor.
 Before you come after me with pitch forks and torches watch the clip.(smiley: laugh)


yeah it did embed at 3:09, thanks for sharing that! but i don't do it for religious reasons, i just wanted to make it a personal experience


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I don't do it for religious reasons either, that's just what I do. *shrugs*

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
That's very interesting, Vekta, I have seen more or less the same thing done with rum in Santeria and vodka in certain Slavic traditions, tobacco and sage smoke in Lakota and Ojibwe rituals. The practice of an offering is ubiquitous in ritual. I think the most common form of offering is to the ancestors (the dead) moreso than deities. I have made offerings to nature spirits. Sometimes, electronics make The Magic Blue Smoke, perhaps that could be the offering of the future.
I like the idea of ritual because I do kinda feel that life is sacred. Well... it's not kinda. I do feel life is sacred but don't really push it. What's kava like? I have been into different herbs and stuff for years but not that yet. 


Kava Enthusiast
kratomguru said:
I like the idea of ritual because I do kinda feel that life is sacred. Well... it's not kinda. I do feel life is sacred but don't really push it. What's kava like? I have been into different herbs and stuff for years but not that yet. 
Welcome KG.  The Kavasseur is a great place to start for a description of the varieties of kava experiences: http://kavasseur.blogspot.com/