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kava seems to have dopaminergic rebound.


Kava Enthusiast
Something i have noticed quite often and have tracked is that i often awake very early after drinking kava and seem stimulated. I also notice slight agitation/energy, hydrosis etc. It feels very similar to other drugs that have dopaminergic rebound, ala GHB. perhaps it's the MAO-b inhibition, although it's relatively weak and reversible. also, higher doses of kava seem to aggravate insomnia and cause some stimulation not unlike amphetamines.
taking amphetamines the day after kava gives massive overstimulation i have found, increased energy and alertness. I make this thread simply for discussion and perhaps to see if anyone else has noticed this effect. While not always unpleasant it seems quite distinct and i notice it on high DHM strains more so, which seems counter-intuitive.
I would almost like to find strains that have this consistent effect, tongan pride from rex certainly has it, although i find it almost agitating. Anyway just something else to discuss.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Hmmm I don't know what to say to that really.

I personally have never experienced any of that. I had Tongan Pride a couple days go and Isa last night. I woke up feeling...better. Pretty much it.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Try tudei from Hawaiian Kava Center. I would bet your assumptions would carry through to that strain. I always thought in the back of my mind it had some sort of stimulant effect due to the increased heart rate. Also I never did sleep well on it. Needless to say I haven't purchased any in a year or so. Also the only thing I mix with kava is kava, and I don't drink alcohol nor take any other type of substance so I can't verify your other claim, but it does seem to carry dopaminergic or possibly norepinephrinergic components in reguards to the DHM which I could definitely do without.


Kava Enthusiast
Yes I have found others on other sites claiming the same thing. It's really impossible to tell and the literature shows these effects but there should be no rebound as there is no Gaba-b agonism. Gaba-b agonism causes an intial slow down in dopaminergic neurotransmission then biphasically increases it.
However, i have another theory on what is occuring. When i consume high DHM variants at say 6-7 I generally am so relaxed i do not eat very much, maybe a small meal. I also find they decrease my appetite immensely, which leads me to believe it's hypoglycemia. The shakes, sweating, agitation etc. Perhaps it's a combo but i would really like to investigate kava and glucose regulation. Perhaps there is more there. It's a crazy little plant.