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Kava Shirt, anywhere?

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I had a shirt that had false kava on it (Piper Latifolium).  I knew the species was off, and inert as a psychedelic, but it was close enough to wear with pride and pleasure.  Unfortunately, it met with a tragic accident.

Does anyone know where I can buy a Hawaiian style shirt with any cultivar of kava on it?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Hmm..not a Hawaiian style shirt but I think Hawaiian Kava Center might have at least some kind of shirt with kava related themes on them.


Kava Curious
Try kavaboy.com. They have some that are colored/stained with kava. Another place to check is zazzle.com. They have a plethora of kava themed items.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
That shirt looks a bit like piper hispidum.

I had a shirt once with piper latifolium, which was close enough, but it met with an accident while protesting opening day of the Cleveland baseball team with fellow AIM activists.

I really like to see a heart-shaped leaf on my shirt every now and then.