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Kava stomach problem


Kava Enthusiast
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE kava. And I respect the use of kava. But almost always when I drink stone, I get a upset stomach. Its more of like a stomach "churning" more than anything and it sucks as I love the effects kava gives. Have you guys found anyway to calm down this churning if it occurs in you? I only usually drink a batch (3cups of water) so I dont think im overdoing it. Thanks


Kava Enthusiast
It got bad enough for me that I quit kava for 8 months once.

For stone:

1) I need to strain very well, until all the fibers are out. I'm talking like straining it 5+ times through nakamal@home's strainers. That is the biggest factor.

2) Empty stomach. I don't eat after 3pm before an 8pm drinking session. Liquids are ok (water, juice, not coffee or other caffeinated beverage), the less caffeine in my system the more I enjoy the heady feeling. (nothing to do with the stomach)

3) 3 cups water is fine, I like that ratio too

4) Don't move around too much, stop walking around the house, no dancing, don't lie down, just sit down.

5) wait 45mins to an hour after the drinking session to eat a light snack, I like something with bread, too me it feels like it soaks up whatever stone is left in my stomach so I can sleep.

6) It's possible the batch of stone you got has more of the nausea kavalactones?

if during the session the stomach issue comes up, drink some water, eat a few saltines and watch some tv. It sometimes passes in 15mins. I occasionally have to use an antacid like tums.

when I was new to kava, it was the worst (lasted up to 2 days), but as time went on all the discomforts went away... looking back I really should of just started drinking one or two shells a night for a month to get my body use to it.


Kava Enthusiast
AW WHY NO DANCING!?!?!? haha..

Welp, rcoz thank you for the reply. I just brewed a batch of stone and strained it 5 times before putting it in the freezer (just to get it cold quick, no ice cubes!!) I assume you strain it so much to get the sandy part of the kava out. Im pretty sure thats whats upsetting my stomach, because I used to only drink the smooth part of the kava without the sand, and never had any stomach pains before, but still felt the effect quite nice. Also I read that kavas with high DHM and DHK cause nausea, which im sure stone is packed full of. I wonder what solomans chemo-type is, I think its got alot of kavain and a little DHM/DHK, but I really have no idea. The sandy part of soloman kinda upsets my stomach, but not 1/4 as bad as stone. hmm..

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I have always been fuzzy with this DHM/DHK stuff. I can assure you that I most definitely have been sick to my stomach from Kava. I almost threw up after drinking six shells of Wow! once. I was actually on my way somewhere in a friends car and told them to take me back home. In those instances, all the benefits of Kava get crushed under the unpleasant feeling of being sick. There are a few Kavas that I can get really well krunked on and not feel sick that day or the next - Solomon, Malekula, Vanuatu 3, Tudei, Tongan, and every Fijian Kava I have ever had. Stone, Wow, and especially Chief's have always snuck up on me and gotten me sick.


Kava Enthusiast
Yes indeed the stomach aches crush the buzz of the kava, which is pretty much a deal breaker. I guess ill just stick with solomans and try other kavas to test how they sit. I was wondering if Hiwa kava has this effect on the stomach? Your review makes it sound very very good.


Kava Curious
I used to get the bad stomach esp with stone. I think its from drinking too much of the fiber, but also some types are just harder on the stomach esp to a new kava drinker. I barely get it all now even with stone or chiefs. Hawaiian kava center has really fine strainers that get most of the fiber out in one strain as opposed to n@h's strainers. Hawaiian varieties are also easier on the stomach in general I think. I do agree with rcoz that moving around to much will unsettle it. also make sure to drink water before and after a session, not to much but kava dehydrates the body a bit.


Kava Enthusiast
Douglas - Awesome I will have to get me some Hiwa very soon, never tried Hawaiian kava before!

islandtime - Last night I didnt drink the fibers and my stomach felt pretty good. But the fibers are what you want, I get 2-3x more krunk drinking them. But its not worth the stomach ache. Also I didnt dance so maybe that helped my stomach too (kidding :p, ofcourse I danced haha.)


Kava Curious
Yea I know what you mean but for a while the stomach made the fibers not worth it. Now I can drink the fiber and have no prob, but I have been drinking kava almost every day for 2 years I think I just got used to it.


Kava Enthusiast
I have been drinking kava for roughly 2 monthes now. I never used to drink the fibers at the bottom, I just couldent handle it. Now i actually enjoy them, I guess ive just acquired it over the weeks. But im sure as douglas said, most kavas like stone or wow!, will almost always upset the stomach, unless your the lucky few. I guess you just reallly have to limit your intake to maybe 3 or 4 shells? Also, not to sound crude, but does kava make your farts smell...well...rank. And when I say rank I mean RANK, haha. Just want your opinions, because my friend who has had kava with me 5-6 times say his gas smells horrible after a session with me.

P.S. This vanautu3 is reallly good...I love it now.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
In reference to the last part of the question, I don't know. Never had any problems with that. I can't imagine that it would.


Kava Enthusiast
Made a batch of stone tonight, I think I found the cure to the stomach issues. If i spread out my cups 30-40 mins, its much more easy on the stomach. Man I love this stuff haha.


Kava Enthusiast
hmm, I made another batch tonight, I think milk in the batch helps stomach pain, I feel great and drank my shells 20 mins apart. awesome.


Kava Enthusiast
Did it feel like the milk made it stronger or the same? Did you use whole milk for the fat content?



Kava Enthusiast
I used vitamin D milk, it was all we had. I think it was pretty much the same strength, maybe a little bit stronger. But it was alot more smooth, and you dont get that oh my god im so hungry feeling. I will continue doing this with allll my kava sessions!

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I never had a problem until recently. This month, until other kava arrives, I'm drinking Jungle Chief's Kava as a daily kava. I feel sick, and I think the Queen has said something about my farts being ungodly (which is a bad thing when you're a god and need to stay married to said queen to protect kastom).

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Queen Elizabeth II said I had really bad gas yesterday, but it could have been from the pepperoni I had the Royal Chef's prepare for my Luncheon. I've been out of all kava but Chief's Jungle for a while, but some Tongan Pride did come in this weekend.