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Kava stomache ache


Kava Curious
I've never been in this situation before, but I switched from sipping to chugging recently and the thing I was afraid of happened - I accidentally over indulged.  Is there anything to do for a kava related stomache ache?  I didn't eat recently, which I know can cause problems, but I did make a very hot batch of curry for lunch which maybe exacerbating the situation (smiley: sick).  So - no more strong fish curry, but is there anything to be done in the short term?  I don't want to completely loose the kava effects, but it wouldn't kill me to dial it back a notch.


Kava Curious
i get the stomach aches all the time, but pop zantac and it works like a charm (smiley: happy)


Kava Curious
I would suggest drinking some peppermint tea (i.e. pure peppermint infusion). It has a calming effect on the stomach and as it doesn't contain caffeine, it won't spoil the effects of kava.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
I like Z's idea and also try and follow the advice of an old time kava guy, who recommends that kava not be mixed with dairy.

Also, it's nice to have a little something in the belly before a full on kava sesh.

I like to eat after drinking kava, so the advice is mine to take.




Kava Enthusiast
I really like ginger and that's a good tummy settler, so I've been toying with blending ginger into my kava.


Kava Enthusiast
When I drink kava the timing of when I eat is everything. I always start on an empty stomach, drink a few shells & start to feel it and THEN I start eating little 'pupus' ie. little tasty things like fruit or little savory meats and when I have finished drinking I like to have a tasty delicious meal but not a big one. If you start with a full stomach you may not feel the Awa and it may not sit well with what you've already eaten.(smiley: sick)