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Kava Survey Open!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
The survey is up and running. This is the first class that I've done anything like this so I hope I didn't make any horrendous errors. 

Feel free to share the link with any and all fellow kava users you know. This survey is for the entire kava community here and beyond. Thank you all for your time and especially for your fantastic support. 
Ready, set, dog pile! *tackle*(smiley: roll)
*survey was deactivated for a brief moment. I don't think it will affect anyone though. It has been reactivated.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Krunkedout said:
Just completed! I hope this gives some unbiased insight into kava!
Retake the survey Krunked. Sorry, the deactivation and reactivation I just had to do deleted your results. It should be fixed now though.


Kava Enthusiast

Vekta is clearly a lightweight. Who could possibly have chosen 1 tsp of kava powder per session? Where is the selection for "A whole damn cup"?

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I noticed that.

I was also afraid of giving a false impression. One day, I decided to drink an entire bottle of Gin. I decided that night never to drink alcohol again. I discovered kava as a beverage somewhat later.  I'm not sure if I'm tempted to drink, because I know I'd have to wait 24 hours or so after drinking alcohol before I could safely consume kava, and I'd have to wait 24 hours after drinking kava before I could safely consume alcohol.  I don't know if I would have the patience, ever.  I can barely wait 12 hours between kava sessions.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
haha, funny thing is you're right. Compared to probably 90% of you I am a light weight. I use 2 tbsp per bowl but it's really stretched out over 1.5-2 weeks between sessions.


Kava Lover
Vekta said:
haha, funny thing is you're right. Compared to probably 90% of you I am a light weight. I use 2 tbsp per bowl but it's really stretched out over 1.5-2 weeks between sessions.
gasp!! A whole two weeks without kava! But.. How! I can hardly go two days without brewing a big bowl!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Oh trust me, sometimes I have weekends where I have kava every day. By the end of the weekend it's hitting me like a truck.


Kava Curious
I'm new to kava, in that I've done it a ferw times this week, I'm still not past reverse tolerance.....Is it worth me doing the survey


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Yes, it's still relevant. I want any person that uses kava to take the survey. The more people that take the survey the more likely the results will show us some kind of meaningful statistic.

I'm hoping to get at least 100 completed surveys. Right now the count is sitting at 11 completed surveys.

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
Just done with my Kava survey. Hope this helps. I love to share my experience:) I am a female,I have figured out not many females seem to need Kava. However Prince Philip is right about my cheese addiction . Right now I have four types of cheese(real cheese) Love Dubliner and fresh Spanish cheeses .Do not like chocolate though,like white chocolate ,nuts and seeds of all types. Wonder if there is a dietary type of person who chooses kava? I was a Yogini (guru trained) before I was hurt. Kava has also made my damaged back painless. :)


Kava Enthusiast
I just took it.  Some of my answers-though correct seemed to me misleading.  I quit drinking over 15 years ago and many of the questions seemed geared toward replacing alcohol with kava.  what the heck though-they are all correct.

Do let us know what the results show.  You got my interest on this one!!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Yeah, I feel ya BC. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my original plan approved which would have addressed that. It would have easily been twice as long a survey had I been able to get that approved. I don't think the professor would have had time to grade a 40-something+ question survey especially if all 25-30 students submitted one that long. Besides, I like you all to much to torture you with a mind-numbing long survey. Ha!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I think I would enjoy doing that. I doubt I'll get many opportunities though. If I can foot the bill I probably won't go past a Master's degree in psychology. I'm much more into the counseling side of it. Besides needing some medical school training I really don't want to get involved with the whole prescription drugs thing, kava aside.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
It was a useful exercise in reflection, Vekta.

I tried doing "Fast-5" as intended, saving my eating for the night. But the problem is I was also keeping my kava for the night. When I had a massive schedule change, after a while everything fell apart anyway. I tried doing alternate-day fasting, but it is exceedingly difficult.

Although it is somewhat ill-advised, Elizabeth II has been keeping her weight in check doing Fast-5 (that is, eating only during a single five hour stretch and fasting 19 hours in a row every day), with a lunch at noon that lasts until 5pm, and not eating anything after that. I think I can do that, because I'll have a pretty well emptied stomach (seven hours on weekdays, maybe 2-4 of weekends) before I krunk out.  This should help me manage my kava addiction and my food addiction, since I can keep the times quite separate.