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Kava Tattoo ideas?


Is there death before life?
I've been thinking for a while now, and have come to conclusion that I would like to get a Tattoo of a Kava plant/leaf etc..etc
Would like it to be tribal looking "lots of awsome ink involved" Im pretty good with drawing these types of things.
Just wondering if anyone has anything that I could use as inspiration?
Im thinking of getting the leaf and of leafs starting on the back of my shoulder/ bicept, then the roots criss crossing around down a little with tribal like design work

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
In Samoa, supposedly a popular design is a tanoa (kava bowl) with a talking stick, like this one.

reference: http://www.squidoo.com/samoan-tribal-tattoos

Here's another one:

Actually, kava leaves have a nice shape to them, also a Fiji waka yaqona style bundle could be beautiful, I'd probably try to get something in a Maori style design.



Kava Enthusiast
Just do something SteveO style and get a full backpiece thats a picture of you chugging a shell with the words "Yeah dude kava rocks!" right under it, but that might kinda be overkill.


I would like a kava leaf tattoo, I think that would be a subtle enough way to engrave my appreciation for kava in my skin.

@new2kava - nah, that's not overkill, that's just perfect!


Is there death before life?

this is something Ive been pondering.
Its kind of the beginning, but something along the lines.


Kava Enthusiast
Nice! I like the last two especially. I could go for a single kava leaf - simple and understated but a very graceful design nonetheless. Keep us posted. Tattoos are fun!

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I'd love to get another tattoo, but my wife insists that one is my quota, actually my daughter was talking about it the other day--I have a VFD tattoo from the Lemony Snicket books, on my right ankle because I like to think I'm one of the noble volunteers rather than villainous.