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Kava's Effect on Technology



Not what you were expecting huh. (smiley: laugh)

And yeah, that is (was) my laptop's hard drive that fell off of a stack of books right into my krunk moment. Ugh.


Kava Enthusiast
(smiley: laugh)
I'm always spilling my tea at work and ruining stuff, I feel very fortunate that I have yet to do something like this.

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
When I make kava I cover everything with very old very soft old tea towels. My kitchen looks like a scene out of one of those old movies in which the people have gone away and draped their furniture to prevent it getting dusty. I also have an apron I put on. All this silly behavior has become part of my ritual. Like having an old mellow Hawaiian cd or tape on. Ritual and setting may be a lot of what tunes one in to the more subtle effects of kava. When weather permits,I sit out on my screened porch. Has anyone noticed some people ruin kava for you? It is like their vibe sucks happy thoughts out of the air!!!! PS: technology works better for me on kava:)


Kava Lover
It took me forever to even understand what this thread was about because I was too krunk when I read it lol.


Kava Curious
When I was in a psych rock band we had a strict rule about keeping beers away from anything manufactured before 1980. This rule was instituted after the drummer stepped on one of my Silvertones.

Not quite the same.

But once, while sipping a Guiness on the porch of a stranger in Novia Scotia and staring at the ocean below the cliffs, one of my friends dropped a wine glass. We apologized and apologized, and the woman said "You drink alcohol out of them. They are going to get broken."

A pretty aphorism if I ever heard one.


P.S. Sorry about your HD. A little more expensive than a wine glass.