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Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Another friend asked me about Kava today. Turns out he wants
to try it. Of course, I agreed to help out. We talked about kava, had a little
Q&A and picked a day to brew some up.
 When I got home today I decided to see what was out there
for “kava and anger management”. To my surprise I found a bunch of article and
abstracts outline all the bad things and dangers Kava poses to human health.
What I found interesting is that all the articles were somewhat dated. The
oldest was from 1990. The newest one was from 2006. I read them because I think
it’s important to look at Kava from both sides even if I don’t agree with their
view or methods.
 I kept reading and searching for other articles and I
finally found one fairly new from 2011. The tone in the newer article was far
less foreboding and rather cautious in comparison with the other database of
abstracts I found. I thought I’d post links to these pages to see what you all
think. We know that there have been mistakes made by the
pharmaceutical companies, scientists and businesses in the western world
seeking to market kava. I’m wondering, could we possibly be seeing a pattern
here? It seems to me, that the way things have played out many in the west have
been forced to take a closer look at kava to reconsidered there initial judgments
despite those mistakes that have damaged Kava’s image in the past.Maybe I am missing something but the one thing I find far more often than not is that there is(was) a problem only when processing into pill form or other similar "non-traditional" method was used to create the product in question.(rare allergic reactions and genetic intolerance aside)  This is a short list of  only a few of the articles  I found. You can find more links here: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/search.php?q=kava&x=0&y=0&search=1 I did search for allergic reactions to alcohol and found that it's also rare but more well known due to the far more common prevalence of alcohol in our society.    2011 Psychology Today http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sleep-newzzz/201108/kava-continues-be-mystery2011http://www.cbs12.com/articles/team-4732670-drink-people.html
Various Abstractshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15068826


Kava Curious
I found this on /r/Kava

ANY improvement in the kava trade will have a
significant impact on the economy of Fiji and the Melanesian Spearhead
Group (MSG) countries.
That was the word from Special Trade and Economic Officials
Meeting chair and Fiji's Ministry of Industry and Trade permanent
secretary Shaheen Ali after the conclusion of the meeting yesterday. Mr
Ali's comments come as the MSG works to enhance the kava (piper
methysticum) trade as part of a kava strategy that was endorsed at last
year's MSG meetings.He said trade and economic officials at the
meeting had agreed for further scientific research to be undertaken so
that the ban on kava in European markets could be countered."Other
recommendations included consolidating our database so that we can have
a one stop shop for all the research on kava, to further enhance it to
also protect its intellectual property and all the traditional knowledge
associated with it."He said because of the growing potential of
kava, MSG countries should focus on targeting new export markets. Mr Ali
said kava had the potential to improve the livelihoods of those in
rural areas through its export.


Kava Curious
Despite having been drinking kava regularly for over twelve years now, when I read these articles it makes me nervous. Its obvious that all of the intense focus on a handful of extremely isolated events can do some serious damage to kava's reputation as a safe and healthy substance. If these articles make me anxious about drinking kava, imagine what it does to anyone first researching the plant as a potential first time user.

Are there any articles out there that show heavy use to be relatively harmless?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Jerome said:
Despite having been drinking kava regularly for over twelve years now, when I read these articles it makes me nervous. Its obvious that all of the intense focus on a handful of extremely isolated events can do some serious damage to kava's reputation as a safe and healthy substance. If these articles make me anxious about drinking kava, imagine what it does to anyone first researching the plant as a potential first time user.

Are there any articles out there that show heavy use to be relatively harmless?
You know Jerome. It still has me thinking that most of the modern world is stacked against Kava. I don't know if it's just wishful thinking on my part but I just can't shake the feeling that this is the case. It's really easy to find articles and whatnot about how bad kava can be. But not very much else seems to be getting written about the good kava does other that what we have mostly seen and read already. 
Those wanting kava to be banned or regulated more still haven't come up with reasons or evidence that has any staying power. How long have they been trying to prove that now? I didn't know about kava during the dark years it was banned in much  more of the world than it is now but it seems to me even back then they were still busy trying to prove it's bad.


Kava Curious
"Talks are in progress to lift the kava ban placed by the European market.

Vanuatu’s director general of the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Tourism Marokon Alilee said they presented the report prepared after the Kava symposium last week at the Senior Officials Meeting yesterday.

Mr Alilee said they had presented scientific reports stating there was no harm or side effects to kava.

“It showed that there was no reason to ban the kava in Europe at all.”

The delegation presented the dossier at the Trade and Economic Officials Meeting (TEOM) earlier this week.

“The meeting of the MSG saw the report and fully supported the way forward formulated at that time in Port Villa to use the scientific methods to put back kava in EU market,” Mr Alilee said. He stressed that a lot of work still needs to be done by Pacific island nations who cultivate kava.

“There are a lot of challenges in the way forward. Firstly, we have to tidy our backyards because of standard and quality issues which we should address.”

Mr Alilee confirmed that talks are in place to look at other international markets for kava like China and India. He said kava was an issue which affected all MSG member countries.

“This is a very unique issue for us in the MSG countries; it unites the MSG countries because we are common in kava. This issue will be taken through the SOM to the FMM and to the Leaders for endorsement and to endorse the way forward.”


Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Vekta said:
That's an interesting website. I'm curious how it works. 99.3% is a pretty staggering result.  
I have no idea, but if it's like Google, it's analyzing results for coffee and for the author Alex Kava, as well as several other things, in addition to sites for or against piper methysticum.  In fact, "piper methysticum" yields no Internet opinion.


Kava Curious
I think if there were as few as 100 kava nakamals throughout the mainland kava would enjoy a much more accurate reputation on top a helluva lot less DUI's. I'd love to one day open a kava bar / semi-vegan bistro kinda thing. No poultry/beef no alcohol...nothing but good vibes, although a regular EEE wet T shirt night couldn't hurt the atmosphere.


Kava Enthusiast
I think a majority of the negativity surrounding kava has been implemented by the major pharmaceutical companies who fear people may use in lieu of addictive and unhealthy medications for; insomnia, anxiety, social anxiety and minor pain relief. It was federal reserve that implemented the controlled subastance act at the behest of pharmaceutical exuctives who saw the potential for profits to be lost. This is entirely unconstitutional because the fedaral reserve is a privately owned organization and should hold no political power in additon there is a ammendment in the constitution that allows for people to be their own doctors and prescribe their medications that was overturned without due process or the awknowledgement of the public. These same entities are behind the demonization of kava and the claims of danger as well the reason that it has been placed on the DEAs drugs and chemicals of concern list.
