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KBR isa/tongan pride or Bula boruguru/fu'u

August West

Kava Enthusiast
I'm really tight on cash, and am trying to figure out my next purchase. I'm looking to buy a sleepy time/tired muscle kava, and also a social kava to either drink by itself, or to mix and create a well balanced third variety, if you will. A pound. each of KBR's isa and tongan pride, to my door, is 59 bucks. A pound each of Bula's boruguru and fu'u to my door is 79 bucks. I respect everyone's feedback,and would appreciate to hear from you. Also, say you had eighty bucks, and needed to make a purchase for a daily kava, a weekend variety, or both, what would you buy? I'm trying to stretch out my funds, so a mixture of quality and quantity are in the equation. Thanks 'all


Kava Enthusiast
I have not had those two KBR kavas, but it does seem like there have been a lot of "this batch isn't as good" comments lately around KBR's stuff. I know the Van3 I got from there was very disappointing. So I would say go with BKH. Judd's stuff seems pretty consistently good quality, and I like both borogoru and fu'u.

Someone here has probably tried all four of those.


Kava Enthusiast
yeah, I've had all 4. I'm a little biased because boroguru is my favorite kava, and fu'u is really good too but i havent had it as much, it was almost all head effect for me with no body. For me the current grind of boroguru takes longer to strain but a lot of people on here like it. The grind is so fine it went straight through my fijian strainer and I drank too much straight root like a toss n wash, it really hurt my stomach. I fixed this by straining with their jute bag but it takes a lot longer to do. But as far as potency the boroguru is badass, i actually prefer it to stone which is most everyones favorite.

The 2 latest batches from KBR have really been growing on me. I just used both the tongan pride and the ISA yesterday. The tongan pride makes me very happy and gives me crazy energy almost like caffeine, it doesnt have as much of a drugged out feel like a high kavain kava, its really different from most kavas. Its the only kava I have tried that I can use as a daytime kava as it doesnt make me sleepy at first, eventually after about 7-8 hours then the sleepiness hits. Rex said that the high energy effect doesnt hit everyone but its really strong on me. The batch of ISA that I have is from a month ago, there is a new batch that just appeared a couple days ago. The batch of ISA that I have is pretty much 100% body and no head. Its about 70% as strong as boroguru in the body but without the head effect it feels a little more subtle, it takes a while for the body to kick in so at first it may feel like its not doing that much. Boroguru has a small head effect too with the body so you can feel something happening faster.