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Kratomite coming to Kava land... wondering if Kava has any adrenic properties.


Kava Curious
Hi all.  I have been lurking the forum a bit.  I have a lb stone kava(Nakamal) on the way.  It will be my first time.  So I have a question or questions. :)
My adrenals are all shot to hell.  Mainly from a wicked divorce(wife turned meth head & chucks everything).  Anyways...K@ pulled me out of alcoholism I was using to cope in the aftermath of it all.  So, i have drank once this year.  K@ got me out of that hell and turned me around.  I got my nutrition levels up while on K@.  I have been bouncing from strains a lot.  Some strains that give me that energy push tend to wear me out.  Well... I am in a taper right now.  I am planning to end my taper monday when my Kava gets here.  K@ got me through the dark times.  But im sick of being tired(which i can't blame K@ for entirely as my adrenals have been through hell).  Really what I am looking for in Kava is something to reset me if I have a rough night.  The fact that its Gabanergic attracts me very much.  I see it does not work for many people.  But, I got this hunch its gonna turn into my new fave plant.  SO, i got questions.
How many days before it begins to take full effect?(titration of alkaloids?)
Does it have any adrenic properties?  Speedy go go, get things done.  I really just want to relax.  I am a light but daily K@ user and this still happens with K@.  I am ending 11 months of usage
Which strains are more energetic and which are sedating?
Seems like this would work wonders for stress and anxiety.  Strains for that?
Thanks!  Sorry for all the questions, I am a bit anxious.  Damn those K@ w/d's :)


Kava Enthusiast
Keep in mind that K@ and kava are two seperate substances that work on seperate receptors. One great aspect is kava will never cause withdrawel. Most kavas tend to be quite relaxing and a few are somewhat more energetic though. I have found Tongan strains like; Fu'u(bula) or Tongan pride(KBR) to be more uplighting and euphoric and great for socializing. That tends to be because they are rich in kavain and low in DHM. Inversely strains that are DHM rich tend to be sedating and heavy on the body like; stone (N@H), isa(PK), tudei(KBR) and boroguro(BKH). There is no set time before a person powers through their reverse tolerance, for me it was about a month of daily kava consumption before I started getting truly krunked. Give it awhile to start workin, most n00bs are disapointed but come around. At least you started with a credible source and great strain, I love stone and have found it to be one of the mpst sedating and relaxing strains I have come across.


Kava Curious
I know Kava does the whole gaba thing. K@ is dopamine and maybe some serotonin indirectly.

The thing i keep pondering. Is I use to take phenibut. It did not make me anything like drunk. The complete opposite. I was go go go, super coordinated, and it was a full on noop effect for me. So im thinking this is gonna take some time. I believe phenibut also raises *choline AND gaba if i remember. So, that is probably why I got the speedy feeling really(*choline). My doc thinks I have insanely high *choline levels anyway and should not be making them any higher. I have tried piracetam also which bumps it up. Went through a hundred dollars worth. Nothing. And I am pretty in tune with my body. The effects are very very subtle and certainly are not going to make me any more of a bookworm. Benedryl/Diphenhydramine also has a profound effect on me which blocks it. Another reason i want of the K@ train is it makes me just a little stupid/forgetful. People can praise it all they want, but its still an opiod with a lot of potential of an O problem. My friends that take the stuff all say I "x low amount daily", all of us admit to dipping into the bag more than we should weekly. I start out low daily. My body tells me whether or not im redosing. But honestly I do keep it low. 1 lb keeps me good for just over a month unless a friend has his spoon involved. :)

Me thinks this kava may take a week or so. Won't get my hopes up for the first few days.


Kava Curious
i've been on kava for roughly a month now and like it a lot better than K@. I'm trying to wean myself off booze and blow, and tried K@ initially, but the desire to use b&B was still there. I've gone through some rough days with K@-drinking on it and taking too much, which of course makes me projectile puke everywhere and feel like i'm in the depths of hell.

I went to Maui last month and had to stop my daily K@ use...it was pretty tough for 3 days (general flu like symptoms), but when I was in Hawaii, I discovered Kava, and haven't stopped drinking it since.

With Kava, I don't crave anything else. It relaxes me (KBR Tudei and Kona Kava) , but i find i'm trying to get 'krunked' on it everyday, but still i'm able to function normally (ie. go to professional job in the morning and work with clients) so I find Kava the lesser of two evils! People say Kava tastes bad, but i think K@ tastes worse-especially when you toss and wash 3 or 4 tablespoons.

I think you're gonna like kava!


Kava Curious
Lesser of two evils is something I wanted to hear.  I am just sick of K@ making me tired.  The worst is over for me at day 4.  But day 2 & 3 of w/d are hell.  And thats where I am right now.  Sucks ass.  I am so ready to be done with this stuff.
I'll be straight, thats exactly what I am looking for is some rough K@ drinking.  Lol.  Actually in the mourning I am going to dose up with all my supplements, ive been through this enough time.  I know what works for me.  Then, well... ill take it easy and try to be responsible.  Mainly, its because I feel that Gaba is the missing link to ease my w/d.  So, I am going to try crossfading into Kava.
I'll have no probs with taste.  I've always just washed it down mixed with a little water.  It does taste like shiat tho.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Not to be a wet blanket, but I've had adrenal fatigue for a while now, almost a year. I'm not sure if the kava is helping or hurting.


Kava Lover
Prince Philip said:
Not to be a wet blanket, but I've had adrenal fatigue for a while now, almost a year. I'm not sure if the kava is helping or hurting.
this doesn't sound good! I suppose for some people there is such a thing as too much of a good thing :/ however, I really hope this is unrelated to the kava!

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Seems to be fall-out from a car crash, more related to post-concussive syndrome. I've considered going high-and-dry with kava for maybe six months, to give my adrenals a break from sedatives, but I'm concerned about my mood taking a nose-dive.


Kava Curious
Well, for me, I use K@ for all the same reasons, being an addict alcoholic, and having found K@ to keep me straight, But, yes i do notice those side effects for me, I use kava to try to keep the usage of krat as low as possible. I have also clearly had some adrenal issues as well, and my best piece of advice would be to really be balanced with the kava, it isnt like krat, very different, i wouldnt recomend trying to drink kava all day as a relaxant or replacement, it can make me feel like adrenal problems are getting worse, and at a certain point it seems that reverse tolerance isnt a thing anymore, there is a point where actual tolerance seems to occur. I try to drink kava all day on days off and just read and lounge, but it never is that great by evening, and the biggest problem when you start crossing your reverse tolerance threshold is you wont be able to get to sleep. So what works perfect for me is making some strong shells in the late evening, knock back a couple and really be able to feel the difference between working all day, and finally getting home to melt away, and youl get the absolute most out of the kava, itl make you feel wonderfull, and at this point its also alot more spiritually connected than krat.and youl sleep better than ever, which does amazing things for your adrenals. but to much all day you wont notice the best effects, youl get edgy, and wont sleep. no fun. Also, dont know how many people get this, but certain strains can cause me alot of anxiety, mostly borogoru right now. stone is awesome.
The best thing to fight adrenal fatigue is taking Adrenal Cortex supplements. I realized mine were completely shot and have been using one by standard products and feel much better after a couple weeks. I lot of the recommendations I saw said start with Adrenal then switch to drenamin which has less cortex and is more of a support product. Also Fermented cod liver oil (8 capsules) and 5000iu vitamin D supplements.


Kava Curious
so is there a test that will confirm the adrenal glands are comprimised? I'm tired as hell, pretty much all the time, and with one daughter, and another on the way, plus a full time job, i need all the energy I can get.

Any suggestions?


Kava Enthusiast
My adrenals have been f'd up for quite a while. I have been working on recovery for about 3-4 years now. my levels were so low it was crazy.

To get a test done you have to go to a naturopath, if you go to a normal doctor the adrenal test they will do only checks on levels that would indicate addisons disease, and by that point your adrenals are basically in complete failure. But naturopaths recognize that there can be adrenal deficiencies at lower levels than would appear on the addisons test. A naturopath can run a saliva and urine test that takes samples throughout the day to see how your adrenals are doing. The main complaint from normal doctors is that these tests aren't 100% reliable and the results can vary. Personally I have verified them to my own satisfaction as I have had the tests done 5 times and I can see the results gradually improving after i started treatment, if my tests were unreliable at least they were consistent and pointed me in the right direction.

kl.c double

Kava Curious
I'm a recovering opiate user and K@ has no effect on me! I'm saving my Maeng Da for a while to see if this changes. Since I started Kava, no desire to drink K@, i guess one foul tasting drink per day is enough!