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Micronized Kava Review Kumakua

Thom Yorke

dancing on a wire with both ends on fire
Received my first shipment of GHK....Moi, Papa Ele Ele, and Kumakua all micronized
Today I tried the Kumakua. I did 2 heaping tablespoons in about 30 minutes. I have to say that I'm super impressed with the potency of this noble kava. This is the cleanest, headiest kava ive ever had. First thing i noticed is the grind of this micro is very similar to a good quality instant. I was very surprised how well it mixed with cold water. The taste was smooth and not at all bitter...best tasting kava I've had to date.
Effects: super heady, feeling energized but not at all speedy, quite euphoric with a nice perma-grin on my face, my senses seem to be heightened, and the way I feel right now, well lets just say I can't wait for my GF to get home...like most good kava this one def has good aphrodisiac qualities as well.
So to recap: cleanest, headiest, most potent, and best tasting kava I've ever had. For me its the perfect heady & Anti anxiety kava!
Chris...many thanks for letting me sample this wonderful kava. I'll be back for more.
I'll review the Moi & Papa Ele Ele later this week.
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Bula To Eternity
@Thom Yorke Great Review Thanks!!! (y)

I'm ready to make another order from GHK, but now I'm going to wait to hear what you think of the Mo'i and what @Beanie thinks of the Makaea. All three seem like good candidates for a daytime (heady) kava. This review is a compelling reason for me to try this stuff. But I'm really hoping to see the other reviews first. ::happyshell::


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
it's got you throwin' around the word 'headiest' a lot. :kiss::censored:

based off the reviews so far, this one's near the top of my next-order list.


Kava Enthusiast
Great review!! I haven't noticed kumakua on GHK site? I would be interested to buy some after reading your review, particularly cos you rated it 5 for anti-anxiety!! (y)

Thom Yorke

dancing on a wire with both ends on fire
@Thom Yorke Great Review Thanks!!! (y)

I'm ready to make another order from GHK, but now I'm going to wait to hear what you think of the Mo'i and what @Beanie thinks of the Makaea. All three seem like good candidates for a daytime (heady) kava. This review is a compelling reason for me to try this stuff. But I'm really hoping to see the other reviews first. ::happyshell::
I will def be reviewing the Moi & papa ele ele later this week.
I made a drink this morning of 1 heaping tbl spoon kumakua & i heaping tbl spoon moi....WOW! Now that is one heady mix! Sure beats starbucks!

Thom Yorke

dancing on a wire with both ends on fire
it's got you throwin' around the word 'headiest' a lot. :kiss::censored:

based off the reviews so far, this one's near the top of my next-order list.
Yeah this stuff is killer...just what I was looking for in a daytime kava!

Thom Yorke

dancing on a wire with both ends on fire
Great review!! I haven't noticed kumakua on GHK site? I would be interested to buy some after reading your review, particularly cos you rated it 5 for anti-anxiety!! (y)
I think chris is saving all the kumakua for Deleted User01 & I so sorry my friend.
Ha JK, I bet if you ask chris nicely he'll set you up with some.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Chris has blessed me with some Kumakua and I'll be digging in soon. Can't wait. :joyful:
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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hi everyone, just wanted to mention that the Fresh Harvest Newsletter that will be out very soon will have a list of all the new stuff that will be on my website, only members will get this information first. A taste of it would be that there will be Kumakua on my website soon, wait till you hear the rest. :nailbiting:



❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I had some kumakua waaaay back as a throw-in sample. Was the only micronized I personally ever liked.


Bula To Eternity
I had some kumakua waaaay back as a throw-in sample. Was the only micronized I personally ever liked.
That's good to hear, because I want to get some of this too. Do you remember if you found it more heady or heavy. I'm hoping the answer is heady.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I'm kumakuing tonight, gonna review (the powder) in a week or two after I play with it more.
I definitely have a somewhat different experience than this review...notable sedation and a bit less heady for me.