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Ladies, This One's For You


Kava Enthusiast
To Kava or not to Kava While Having Your "Ladies Days"?

I'm starting to realize I had pretty unfortunate timing with my first time trying Kava.
My cycle started about two days ago, and up until that time I had been drinking it daily except for one day where I only made one cup with 1tbsp. I did not have any yesterday, since the rash is back again! :)
Haha. I don't want to waste what's left of the Wakacon Fijian, so I'll have to power through it, but I'm definitely thinking some micro is what I'm getting next. I hate kneading, and it sounds very appealing to be able to just stir an amount into a drink and go.

Anyhow, I've just been a little paranoid about my body lately, only since I think it's important to be vigilant about changes or differences in the body while trying new drugs/herbs etc. I have noticed that I'm feeling really run-down, eyes are puffy, my head feels heavy, and for some reason, because I smoke too, I have tasted the Kava in what I cough up. Like, the taste of Kava is in my phlegm. I thought that was incredibly odd. I didn't inhale it, or smoke any of it, lol. I also noticed my body feels generally weaker, but I have made good efforts to keep myself well hydrated and well fed. I think the Kava may have exaggerated my period symptoms, since I normally used to never feel this tired and lethargic before starting the Kava. I may decide that Kava near or during my ladies days isn't a good combination, and nor was it a good combo for me while recovering from a cold lol! It seems to bring out the less desirable symptoms if I'm already suffering from any kind of body ills. I'm still wondering if I should have any today. I keep weighing myself like crazy because I don't want to lose anymore weight. I'm actually better today, just weighed: 90.2. I read it's best to weigh in the morning before you eat. Other things I have noticed is that I woke up in a cold sweat this morning, and even though it's 78 degrees in the house, I feel like I've got the chills. My bowel movements are healthy, urine looks healthy. No nausea. No headaches, shakes, tremors, spasms, or any of that. I noticed my eyes are bugging out a bit more than usual. But again, all the things I'm mentioning could more than likely be due to my menstrual cycle kicking my ass. My flow is pretty heavy and I know blood loss in women with heavier periods tend to feel more of that run-down, tired feeling. So, not that I wanna discriminate here but I'd really love to hear any input from the lady Kava drinkers here on their experience with Kava + Periods! Lol.

I'm really fighting myself right now. I'd love a shell or two but not sure if it'll make me feel worse or better! Gah.
Happy Thursday everyone!!


Kava Enthusiast
I'm on my cycle at the moment too. I usually have a really hard time. Kava did seem to take the edge off of the horrendous cramps I have before and during my cycle. Haven't really felt more lethargic than normal, but I have felt less motivated. Of course, that could just be my period and have absolutely nothing to do with the Kava. If you are feeling tired, you may need to try a different kind. Also you may simply have too much Kava floating around in your system and need to lower your dosage a bit. Do you take any sort of multivitamin? Chills, fatigue and night sweats can be a sign of a vitamin deficiency. Being low in Vitamin D, Iron, and other vitamins will make you feel run down and tired. I was experiencing extreme fatigue last year. Could not stay awake some days. Turned out my Vitamin D level was really low. Doctors can do a blood test to see if you are deficient in anything. A multivitamin may help if you are mildly deficient, but you will need a stronger supplement if you are majorly deficient. It may also be your hormones. While I have no real evidence to support this, I suspect Kava affects many areas of our bodies that aren't really understood right now, including hormone levels. The way it reacts so differently with different people, it has to have a pretty complicated method of action in my opinion. For most people Kava has only good effects., but it isn't for everybody. Nor is every strain for everybody.


Kava Enthusiast
As far as the micro goes, I started out with the Kalm with Kava micros and haven't felt the need to try anything else. I love the simplicity. The only problem is it can be hard to get the powder to mix with your drink. Sometimes I end up with chunks in my drink, but I drink it anyway. You can also put the powder under your tongue and let it sit for awhile then swallow. It seems to have a slightly different and quicker effect that way.


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah, the cramps did seem a lot more tolerable. At least we've got that going for us, huh? Haha.
I do think I probably drank far more than I should've for the first few sessions, so you're probably right about lowering the dosage.
I don't take any multivitamins. :( I'm sure I am probably deficient in some of those things, but I've always been weary about the quality/effectiveness of multivitamins and I'm way less prone to take them if they're not chew-able (like a gummy or something) and in the size of a horse-pill lol. I freak out taking big pills XD
You might be on to something there with the hormone levels being possibly affected. I could get some blood work done but it really freaks me out. I have this thing about blood. LOL. I'm a big wimp. I did have blood taken a few years ago and had a really bad experience --while she was drawing it, I started to get like SUPER super thirsty, like I had been in a desert for 5 days or something! I had to ask my husband to run and get me some water. I got super queasy and lightheaded, and thought I was going to pass out. I never looked at her or what she was doing, because I don't like seeing it. But that reaction made me really scared to have blood taken again, and I should've asked the lady what happened to me, but I didn't.

I would definitely buy a good multivitamin if I can find one that's in a form that I can easily take :D
Going to try that KwK Micro, then, I think! If you love the simplicity then it sounds like it would be perfect. I don't think I would mind the chunks, either. Lol I think I would just mix mine into a really strong glass of Ovaltine/Milk. Thank you for all the helpful info! Glad you were able to find out what was causing your fatigue, it sounds like it was pretty bad. I feel like I could sleep all day sometimes lately, so I think going with a different Kava is best, so micro, here I come! :D Thanks Chandra!


Kava Enthusiast
Your welcome. Pouni Ono isn't sedating at all. For me, Boronguru gives me energy and works better for my pain as well, but some people find it sedating. Haven't tried Borogu, but it's supposed to be more heady than Boronguru, so it may be a good choice for you. Waka was very relaxing, but if I drank much of it during the day I wasn't going to get anything done. Glad I can help! You may try a green or red superfood powder. They are packed with vitamins and other good stuff many of us don't get in our diets and it comes from food sources. Tastes like grass but many people benefit enormously from it. It also detoxs you. I tried it but had to stop because I started breaking out in a rash from the stuff coming out in the detox. Kava is a diuretic. It seems to deplete B vitamins as well as water (from what I've read here), so you may want to try a liquid b complex. That would probably be the simplest and cheapest route, and it certainly won't hurt anything.