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Lazy Man's Kava?


Kava Curious
What is considered the best pre prepped kava available?
I am looking to relieve mental/physical symptoms of stress/anxiety and generally have been taking Gaia Herbs or Eclectic Institute with limited success.
Thanks for reading


Kava Enthusiast
I'd seriously recommend the instant green kava for Bula Kava House, just go to bulakavahouse. com. It is very easy to prepare and drink and is wonderfully potent. Don't waste your money on those capsules, instant kava will be much more fufilling. Hopefully you've been using the capsules long enough to power through the reverse tolerance and instant kava will have full effects. I've also heard good things about N@H shaman instant kava but havn't bought it due to price but it's made with 100% lateral roots and should be pretty good. If your looking for maximum easiness than instant is probably the way to go and instant green is likely the best solution. The thing to consider is that the easy way is by far the most expensive and if you want to save some money you should try using root. It doesn't take too much effort to prepare a batch and you can make a gallon in one batch and have plenty for days.


Kava Enthusiast
I'd second BKH's Instant Green all the way. The stuff is super easy to make and has great effects. Another instant which is very good is the Kava Kwick from realkava.com which is very close to the Instant Green in taste and effects. Neither of them are cheap, though, and as new2kava pointed out, if you want to use root, you can make a big batch and have it last for days. I've drank week-old kava without any issues. Just keep it in a sealed juice container or something similar and remember to shake it up each time since everything tends to settle to the bottom.


Kava Curious
Thanks for sharing the info. There has been kind of a rediscovery with me and this plant. The unfortunate thing is there are many novices like myself who go into this plant poorly prepared. Look at the countless people who try this herb using a poor source and then dismiss it as bunk. I have 1st hand experienced the reverse tolerance which I believed was a myth.

I want to try these again with the 84% paste which did very little with 4 capsules at one dosage.


Is there death before life?
Although I love BKH's kavas Let me stress the word LOVE lol, but If you are looking for a great instant kava that I would constitute as a "lazy mans kava" it would have to be paradise kava. They sell a extract that works extremely well. It is extracted through co2, so no worrys on and extraction concerns.

Good luck.
Eventualy you will reach a point where you will enjoy the process.
I love working a bowl of kava, makes my feel...connected