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Lazy Man's Prep ok?


Grog 4 your Nog
Hey guys,

I've been drinking kava for a few months now and the way I've been prepping it is throwing a couple of tablespoons in a blender with a little milk and about 8 oz of water. I do not strain the fibers, but have a magic bullet style blender and just take the cup off the blender and sip it up after about a 30 second blend session with fibers and all. I have been having fantastic results and really see no other way to do strains. My questions is... are there any known health issues by drinking it this way?

Thanks for your help and hope everyone has a great weekend.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Some people get nausea from doing toss'n'wash. Other than that I haven't heard anything major from the other members that do it.


Kava Enthusiast
Consume enough root powder for long enough and prepare to deal with some decent dermopathy - worse than drinking grog alone. I've been abstaining for about three and a half weeks now after overdoing it and the skin flakes are finally almost totally gone from my back, legs, and neck. Prior to this, I had been drinking about 5 tablespoons of tossed 'n washed BKH Boroguru per night. About a kilo worth over a 6 week period. I did it in the name of kava science. :)

It got bad enough where the skin around my eyes was red and it hurt to move my eyes because of it. Not totally awful, but not pleasant either. I shed so much skin that the wood floors in my bedroom were nearly white around the perimeter of the room. Gross I know, but the krunk I would achieve and the time saved over traditional prep made it worth it. I won't be drinking it like that very often any more.

On the positive side, I stayed very "regular" during those six weeks.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Not drinking it every day of the week also helps.(smiley: tongue)


Kava Lover
I've never gotten dermopathy like that and I drink it everyday. There was a time when I thought I was getting it but I think that was actually my body wash drying me out. Also, it seemed that it got worse when I stopped drinking kava for about a week. I must just have an enzyme that most people don't have or something...


Is there death before life?

My lazy way is similar. But I dont toss and wash "eat the root powder" what I do is let say, 4 tablespoons of AWA , 2 cups of water sit in the blender for a 20 minutes or so. Then I will hit the low speed button a couple times to aggitate the fibers. then let it settle.

Ill do this 4-5 times, each spaced out a couple of minutes.

On the last one, I pour the mixture in my strainer bag. "Thanks Paradise, love the fiji strainer bags" then press all the liquid out.

I read in one of the reports that the highest abstraction rate from Kava was with the blender method.

That being said. I often hand prepare too, because I find it relaxing.

Im with Krunkedout on the dermopathy thing. I never get it..must have the same enzyme....

I disagree with Vekta....I say drink it at all times! lol

I make my cereal with dirt water! :)

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
wakagrade, I;ve said on numerous occasions to tourists at Farmers Markets who had that lazy look in their eye that said "really, I have to strain this??" 
that ....
"They strained it for 3000 years for good reason"

Far flung islands across the pacific all did it. It was coconut fibers before fabric, but kava got strained somehow.

Not doing it creates nausea and helps save money on Metamucil. Not sure of the other side effects, albeit, it seems that a fiber as tough as kava must create another effect in the digestive tract

kavakrunked "On the positive side, I stayed very "regular" during those six weeks" lol...lol!

endwatcher, That's the best way to do it!

I will hereby refer to this most effective method as:

"Blend n' Strain"



I put my root powder into a Fiji strainer bag and twist the bag so the kava is just a ball at the bottom of the bag which I keep in place with a wire tie that comes with packs of freezer bags. I let the kava soak in the measured amount of water for 30 minutes+. Then I use a potato masher to mash it for 5 minutes, lifting and turning the little ball every 20 seconds or so. A good hand squeeze at the end and I am good to go. I get a very good brew, no fibre, no repetitive strain injury and - best of all - no explosive diarrhea. (smiley: sick)


Grog 4 your Nog
I've got a decent metal strainer and since I don't have any good cloth or kava strainers I blended the amounts in my original post and strained it then put the liquid and the root all back in the blender again and did this about 3 times. I figured it would be pretty close to mimicking straining and massaging the root in the water. Great results with this as well.

I bought some paint strainers from a hardware store that were made in China and after getting them out of the plastic package and smelling them I decided not to use them. They smelled like toxic plastic or they were dipped in some chemical before packaging lol. I may wash them first.

I appreciate all the replies. What a great forum.