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Is there death before life?
So my idea is to start a thread on our mixes, and the effects.

I wanna start doing so mixes that will include more then 2, or 3, probably around 5 different strains.
If we could start posting our expierences, which Kavas were used, hopefully with the Chemotypes of each of the varitetys.
We could come up with our own mixes, then I think the rest of us should try them.
Maybe we shouldnt post the exact effects at first, that way we can eliminate a portion of the placebo effect.

Any suggestion on how we do this?
I think we could come up with some AMAZING BLENDS!

Im looking at this as almost something like Marijuana would be addressed with the different Chem. types and effects. Mixing different plants with certain Chemotypes could produce some pretty awsome effects. "I dont smoke MJ anymore, just using it as a example"
I would really like to come up with some blends that are specific for certain issues, and or effect.

I think we should first take a real look at vendors, and what they produce, and make a comprehensive list of the varietys, Chemotypes, and what the noticable effect was per each individual Kava.
Then I think we would need a way to obtain the different varietys, maybe we could talk to the vendors for a discount, for anyone who is participating.
I believe we could make some mixes NEVER SEEND BEFORE, that could produce some seriously stronger effects, or more of a variety, or less of a variety "Id love to have a Kava that was pure anxiolytic"
But I alos believe that we could produce some STRONG muscle relaxants for those who need that relief.


LOVE this idea!!! I really do find that mixing a kavain rich kava with a dhm/dhk rich kava does wonders for muscles and relaxation. While dhm/dhk rich kavas mixed with other similar dhm/dhk rich kavas typically produce the most pain-relieving effects.

I think this idea of yours will go places endwatcher, especially if we all contribute

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Kava: The Pacific Elixir ISBN 0-89281-726-7 has a pretty long list of chemotypes, but unfortunately the names don't always match up with the names that the vendors use. There was a link to an e-book in one of my other posts that has additional information. The way that the roots are cut changes the effective chemotype, lateral roots being richer in DHM and the vertical roots being richer in kavain, so although the variety may be 4* an all lateral root cut could make it 5*.
Ah, here we go, there are several e-books downloadable as PDF from http://awadevelopment.org/library.htm including the excellent "Hawaiian 'Awa:  Views of an ethnobotanical treasure" but that is restricted to Hawaiian 'Awa.