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let's start a twitter hashtag to discuss kava on twitter


Kava Curious
I use twitter. a lot.  I love it. (I'm not a facebook guy, just too intrusive. maybe it's a middle age dude thing, but I like my privacy....)
anyway, why don't we start a twitter hashtag.  how about #kavalounge
any time you make a kava related tweet just add #kavalounge - that way other people can easily find it and respond.
if you know nothing about twitter, here is a free ebook written by a guy in my line of work:


Kava Enthusiast
good idea.

i don't even have a twitter account because i hate it as much as i hate beiber, buuut you could def help stretch this forum out into the real world.

we really are the only kava forum out there that i can find, believe me i looked. i wish it were a little more active with more members.. but then again its kinda nice and quaint :)


Kava Curious
I respect that.  I hate facebook. hate it. quit and refuse to rejoin.
twitter on the other hand, I love - but I don't use it to engage in conversations (for the most part).  I use a tool called "seesmic web" and it lets me set up panes to watch things I care about.  so I "watch" conversation streams the same way you can watch different football games on one tv with split screen.