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Kava Curious
Hi everyone. Just new to the forum and it has been a wealth of information so far. Was just wondering if any of you guys had any anomolys show up on blood tests related to liver issues at all? I'm pretty new to the world of kava but see a lot of reports of liver damage from the past. I'm hoping it's as safe as possible as its such an amazing root/herb.


Kava Enthusiast
NDG started a good thread on this. I'm on a phone otherwise I'd search it for you. It was called "in the name of science" or something. Scroll back a few pages.


Kava Enthusiast
There is a thread on here where someone had liver function tests just to be safe, multiple people have done it. Basically the only liver toxic compound that exists in kava is in the upper stem and leaf rizome and not in the root. The only reason people got sick was shady companies sold leaf and stem material or extracted it and sold it.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Well, after watching "Supersize Me," I don't trust the results of anyone who eats a high-carb diet, especially a high-fructose diet.

Yeah, the movie blames it on the fats, and maybe they are to blame.

Bottom line, my cholesterol was high and my liver enzymes were elevated. I changed my diet and lifestyle, and increased my kava consumption, and I'm better now.