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Looking for a particular kava strain

Hello everyone,

I am new to the community and kava. This weekend I hope to purchase some kava for the first time. I want to buy two strains. One I want to be a nice sociable strain. One that will produce that giggly, talkative feeling. For this I have decided on the Fu'u from BKH. The other strain I would like to be a relaxing strain. I want it to really "knock me out". I am looking for that heavy-eyed/body, sleepy feeling. Something that will really put me to sleep. For this I am debating between either Stone or Wow! from N@H.

What do you guys think about my choices? Does anyone have any particular experience with the N@H strains who could guide me in my decision? Any other advice in general in regards to kava is greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys :)


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
Welcome to the community! Fu'u is the quintessential "chatty" kava; it's very cerebral and almost euphoric, so that's a great choice. Stone is a great strain for sedation, and I personally prefer it to WOW! As Buddhacide recommended, isa/tudeis are also very good, and although I have no personal experience with the vendor he mentioned, I'm sure it's reputable. The effects of kava will differ between people, of course, and as such you'll just have to do some experimenting with what works best with your particular physiology. I hope this helped and best of luck!

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hey, Michaeldr. Thanks for the Fu'u order. We also sell Boroguru at Bula Kava House which people really like in here. It's quite strong and high (but not so high as to cause nausea) in the kavalactone DHM which causes physical relaxation. Plus it'll only set you back $54/kilo.


Kava Enthusiast
I also second the boroguro, it is my favorite strain at this point. I've bought 2 kilos thus far and will be buying more in the future. Very relaxing with a sweet body buzz.
Thank you friends for all of the advice. I have decided upon an order of Fu'u from BKH, and an order of Papa New Guinea's ISA from Paradise Kava. I will write a short review on here of each strain once I try them. First I must find a good preparation guide :D

I hope to try many more strains after these, but I am moving to Germany (from the US) in a few weeks. This means that my kava-drinking career may end as soon as it begins :(

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Michael, our ISA is definitely a heavy sedater and is about 6-7 years old Hawaiian grown root. We'll send you a prep. guide, just write it in the 'comments' when you order, Aloha~


Kava Curious
I'm a little bit late but I would say isa tudei or fiji waka mixed with tongan pride from kava by rex. Boroguro was fine but not stronger then the previous kavas I have mentioned.

I got the most messed up with the fiji waka mixed with tongan pride (4.5 tablespoons) could barely walk and speech was slurred lol.


Kava Enthusiast
I'd say the original tudei ( the one from 2011) was basically the heaviest body load and highest DHM strain I've ever had, even blowing stone away. The last batch was not even remotely similar, it was a darker color and not nearly as pungent or peppery and not even half as strong. I've found boroguro to be the most consistant and cost effective strain I've come across, basically the same effect as stone but not as potent but half the price. I definatly plan on trying out paradise's isa as I've great reviews and like to try different vendors. I just got a 1/2 kg of stone as it is a new batch they just got in in may 2012 and hope it is great, but stone usually is. I almost got boroguro again but I just went through a kg and wanted a little variety. I plan giving paradise a go on my next batch.


Kava Curious
I am comparing tudei from february 23 and fiji waka and tongan pride from march 26 2012 to boroguro. The boroguro that I got in oregon and ordered online WAS fairly consistent.

If the current batch is not as good as back then I would go with the boroguro.