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lower sexual desire and erectile dysfunction because of Kava?


May the Brew be with you
Since nearly a year now I drink every morning and evening 250ml/10-15gramms. This is about two great cups per day, each made with 1-2 tablespoon of kava.

I notice that I have a lower sexual desire. It is not easy to get an erection and keep it. This has never been a problem before, and I think with 45 I am not too old.

Kava is often described as an aphrodisiac and having the opposite effect. But I also found a few sources telling that it may have a negative effect to the libido.

What is your experience? How long does it take to "be able to be horny again" after stopping of drinking Kava?


I notice an increase in libido while experiencing the effects of kava, my girlfriend seems to as well... What I have noticed is a decrease in libido after kava consumption (no erectile dysfunction, I'm a fairly young guy anyway though) but just a lack of desire for anything sexual. It's kind of strange, as when I'm not drinking kava I'm in the mood to cuddle with my girlfriend and watch some Tv, whereas before it used to drive me nuts when girls just wanted to "cuddle" lol! Strange indeed.

I've been drinking kava for about two years now, two years in full coming up this august I think. So maybe what I'm experiencing is similar to what you are experiencing. I'll have to keep an eye on this sort of thing and write back.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Well, if you can find Solomon island kava, it always increased my sexual desire... and that's saying something. I'm married to Queen Elizabeth II.

(Of course, when I met her, she looked like this:)

(And, yes, that is kava she's drinking, of course).

I have four ungrateful little brat children; Chuckie, Annie, Andy and Eddie; so obviously it hasn't killed my sexual desire, just my coordination with a condom.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Give me a bowl of kava and a hot Moroccan girl and ask use how much sleep we got the morning after.


Is there death before life?
ahahaha vekta, Im feeling that.

Im the opposite as the original poster. I get almost "freaky" in the sack, maybe cause Im feeling all sensual and goooOoOod :)

bring it on baby, lol

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
ObiWan, any digestive issues or hemorrhoids? For years, I had problems, ultimately it turned out that certain complications of Crohn's Disease were causing the whole pelvic floor to go into spasm and that in turn irritated the prostate and the irritated prostate is what caused the problems. Flomax or Uroxatral works great for acute episodes combined with Librax or Symax to control the spasms. At the risk of TMI, anal fissures are usually the trigger in my case, there's a suppository-like cream with hydrocortisone and lidocaine that helps a lot with that. I've found that K@ also helps relax the prostate, but the addiction potential is pretty high, I limit the dosage to 250-500 mg, which is not nearly enough to get "high" but enough to help with the urinary issues. If this could be your problem, other clues would be stopping and starting during urination, difficulty urinating, a persistent feeling that you need to urinate or burning sensation, soreness that I would describe as a "blue balls" kind of sensation (if that isn't TMI I don't know what is). Wise Ways Witch Hazel suppositories or Mayinglong Musk suppositories have also been helpful, the Mayinglong Musk can be a bit messy, so be careful with that.


Kava Enthusiast
I've definitely found kava to be an aphrodisiac, rather than a libido killer. After a session the lingering effects at bed time tend to make it hard to sleep until I've yanked it.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I have always found Kava to increase my sexual appetite, irregardless of the variety. However, there are some varieties that make me horny as can be (which is saying a lot, given my already cranking libido). Solomon Islands Kava, as Prince Philip mentioned above, will make me absolutely obsessed with getting laid.

As for erectile dysfunction, I have no idea. I haven't had a hard time getting an erection since I was that shy kid in high school...

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Antidepressants can definitely cause problems with libido, erectile dysfunction and "abnormal ejaculation" whatever that's supposed to mean. Are you taking any meds ObiWan or playing with any other herbals?