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Magnetic Stir Plate?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I was fumbling around on youtube watching some science documentaries and saw a Magnetic Stir Plate in action. I remember those! I started thinking...if I used one to stir kava for 1-2 hours before drinking...would it be worth it? Would it work considering the most I brew at one time is 16 oz.?  It won't shake the windows of the house like a blender will and I can clamp it down and leave it on for an hour or two while I go about doing other things.
I think we have a couple people here with access to such a device. Have any of you tried this? Although a pain in neck I could get the parts together and build one...eventually...if I don't just outright buy one. But will it work?

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I've thought about making my own, there are numerous tutorials on using an old DC computer fan and sticking rare earth magnets on it, not sure which design is going to work the best. I'd probably use a large diameter fan with a variable low / med / high speed control and see which speed setting works best. If the speed is too high and there's too much resistance, the stir rod either won't turn or it will just jump around rather than getting a nice stir. A cigar box seems like a nice platform to use. I suspect that a centripetal blower may work better, with a regular fan not being able to get air may put too much strain on the motor and eventually burn out vs a blower doesn't have that problem. Instructables is a good place to look for these how-to's not sure which is the best.



Kava Curious
I'd make one just for the fun of it, but why would this be any better than a blender? I'd imagine stirring for a couple hours is better than soaking overnight though.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
stevev said:
I'd make one just for the fun of it, but why would this be any better than a blender? I'd imagine stirring for a couple hours is better than soaking overnight though.
Mostly the low noise. I think someone would hit me with a frying pan if I left a blender on for an hour.(smiley: laugh)