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Powdered Kava Review Mahakea - Medium Grind

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Coming off of Nambawan the previous night, the Mahakea didn't hit like a truck. I was on an empty stomach and had just worked out.

I know that the kavalactone percentage on this one is quite high, but I didn't find it to be a "strong" kava in the sense that I became either sedated or giddy with headiness. The slow-eyes effect was not very pronounced. Overall I think I feel pretty much "normal" but "better."

Prep and Taste

It's a little darker than the Nene... more into the chocolate milk range. The taste was not bitter at all, but I got a little bulaface from one of the cups. It went down easily and I didn't get much if any tummy gurgling upon drinking it. I brewed about 3 cups of grog on 1/2 cup of Mahakea root, which is my usual ratio. I try to keep the parameters more or less the same when reviewing something.

Onset and Effects

I could feel something at 40 minutes, and it wasn't a heady rush or the sense that gravity had increased around my chair. I'm not flying, and I'm not grounded. It's really very much in the middle. I listened to my go-to chillout music, but found that to be a little too sedate. I tried some upbeat music but found that to be a little too energetic. In the end, I stopped listening to music and played through some demos on the Oculus Rift I borrowed from work. I ran around in a few virtual reality environments before finding one that really jived nicely with the Mahakea mood: a creepy dark horror game where I crept around in dimly lit corridors and explored an abandoned hospital building. I could feel a chill on my arms and down my back. It was due to the VR experience, but heightened by the Mahakea.

I wasn't moved to poetry with this one, but do notice a nice cool feeling pulsing slowly in my torso. My heart never raced, and I had no giddiness, but I do feel overwhelmingly calm. The anxiolytic properties are quite good.

In Summary

Basically this was an easy to drink kava that didn't hit me very hard in the head or body, but gave me a sort of liquid calmness and even-handed clarity. I feel like I could function on-the-job (programmer) with no problems in this state. I feel pretty stolid and unflappable. I doubt I could get upset or stressed out in this mode. I think chilling out listening to live jazz would be perfect right now. I get the sense that drifting off to sleep is going to be a very pleasant experience tonight. I didn't get the *strength* aspect of Mahakea. Maybe I just don't. This is my second go around with it and it seems a very even and balanced experience. I'm not sure where others are feeling the strength kicking in.

Good stuff. Didn't knock my socks off but is quite nice.

Morning After Effects

Holy crap, I slept like a baby and I woke up feeling AWESOME. I didn't spring from the bed, but now that I'm up and moving around I feel fantastic. I feel light, happy with an easy laugh and grin and I'm excited that it's Friday, and that I'm going to get my annual performance review at work today and that I have a whole weekend ahead of me for adventures.

Wow! This is the most significant and pronounced positive "hangover" effect I've ever had with Kava. Just WONDERFUL.


Bula To Eternity
Great Review!! (y)

I've only tried this stuff once (micronized) and pretty much had a similar effect. I too am trying to find out what the big deal is about this stuff, so I bought some instant, to give it another chance, but haven't tried it yet. I'm trying to stay on my Mo'i + 11-year regiment for just a little bit longer, to conclude my dermo hypothesis test.

Deleted User01

Another great review @Steve Mariotti ! I love Mahakea because it is well balanced. I can take it during the day but it is also sedating. I like it for my Saturday Kava Kocktail on the patio. It is a combo of headiness and sedation that is perfect for sitting in the patio and watching the birds announce the start of spring. One more thing guys. I don't take kava to get krunked out of my head. That is a bad habit that I picked up with alcohol and other drugs. Kava is showing me how to ditch that mindset.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
There's been a handful of people that don't seem to get the full mahakea kick.
One thing I've noticed from switching to verified noble kava only, is that my Tablespoons per session (for full effect) went from 7-8 tbsp to 10-12 tbsp. of medium grind. It takes a little more kava now, most of the time. If I used a micron strainer, I think all my experiences would be middle of the road. But if you were getting strong effects from other kavas using it, then your lackluster response is probably just a result of your own personal biochemistry.
I'm a hard head with kava, I like it strong and the effects to be relatively drastic. I rarely get that easily, without using a 'medicinal' 245xxx type of kava or something spiked with tudei. But Mahakea is one of the few that can consistently whisk me away to la-la-land...completely wrapped in root world... it does take a couple extra spoons and some less fine straining though. Which might not be an option for you.::happyshell::

Deleted User01

@shakas, I am very lucky in one respect, I'm a liteweight. I get plenty of nice effects with 2 tablespoons of Micronized Mahakea in a tall glass. It's easy on the Budget too. :D


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
@shakas, I am very lucky in one respect, I'm a liteweight. I get plenty of nice effects with 2 tablespoons of Micronized Mahakea in a tall glass. It's easy on the Budget too. :D
2 tbsp micro would be a nice starter for me, but my usual micro tablespoon rangeis typically 5-6 for full effect. Which falls right inline with my current noble medium grind usage, being that micro seems to be about twice as strong per tablespoon.
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Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Quick morning followup before I head off to work:

Morning After Effects

Holy crap, I slept like a baby and I woke up feeling AWESOME. I didn't spring from the bed, but now that I'm up and moving around I feel fantastic. I feel light, happy with an easy laugh and grin and I'm excited that it's Friday, and that I'm going to get my annual performance review at work today and that I have a whole weekend ahead of me for adventures.

Wow! This is the most significant and pronounced positive "hangover" effect I've ever had with Kava. Just WONDERFUL.

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
For what it's worth, I *still* feel great today, and it's nearly 3pm in the afternoon. I may have to go back and revise my review a little. I added the morning after post, but holy cow does this stuff carry you into the next day in style. I think Mahakea just jumped a few notches up my list of favorites because of the long tail on the effect.