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Micronized Kava Review Mahakea - Micronized


Kava Who?
Well I would say, hands down, The Mahakea, is the strongest kava that I have tried from GHK, to date. This stuff hits ya, in the head, and provides a good nights sleep to boot. I went ahead, and ordered 2 pounds, on this last order. Which I usualy don't unless I have tried it. But Knowing @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava , has provided me with some of the finest kava I have had, It was the 19% thing that got me. I must say, it lived up to its potency. This stuff is strong. Nice to get these effects off of 6 Tablespoons. Also It almost tucks you in to your bed. Hell I fall asleep, and wake up with the TV still on. That's impressive to me.


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
Thanks for your contribution @Roaddog. Glad it also happens to be your-hakea and you know I'm
Myhakea too.::ricky::::awesomesmiles:: Now personally I favor Opihikao for its potential to bring on a good long "not sure if he's dead or not" slumber, but Mahakea is also capable of the same.;)

Where Mahakea differs from "heavier-sedating" cultivars (like Opihikao) is the contrasting well rounded effects overall that can rival the best of them (Heady-Muscle melting...etc). Evidently this works out quite nicely for a lighter morning dose as well (1 tea spoon of micronized). However, be advised, if you happen to let your guard down you'll be surprised at the punch it's able to deliver even at such a small dose. Maybe it's my awareness that shifts during the morning hours on a work schedule but It never ceases to amaze me at just how persistent the affects are no matter the amount (of course to lesser extent). :sneaky: Oh and yes I'm aware I still need to do a review (along with others) of this cultivar but it's difficult to tell life to stop getting in the way.:rolleyes::LOL:

*Edit- Just in case it appears i'm exiling other vendors I'll include various cultivars off the top of my head along with more Hawaiian varieties ;). Other heavier cultivars include Boroguru (Vanuatu), Lost island Puariki (Vanuatu) or however it's pronounced etc...the aforementioned cultivars along with Hanakapi ai, Kamakua, Qila Leka (Fijian) *mispronunciation*, melo melo (Vanuatu), Malekula Magic (Vanuatu) etc are all well rounded.*(y)
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Kava Who?
Yes, I find it to be well rounded, but very sedating. I have tried the Micro version, and for me I prefer the ground root. I also left a good review, for the micro too. But I believe I get more bang for my buck, out of the medium grind. I only say this, because I seem to get more from a 6 tablespoons Filtered grog, than I do 4 tablespoons of the micro.

Now, I musts also describe Mahakea, as a creeper Kava. You MJ fans will know what I mean. Its effects start small and before an hour or so It hits hard. I like that. Gives ya, plenty of time to find the couch. Also I must say, each session, I have done, has been exactly the same. So I find it very predictable. Which is always a plus.

Top notch product here. Ill definitely be ordering it again. Its one of those kavas that have it all. Also its nice to know I'm ordering from one of the most trusted venders on here. Also there are other really great venders on here too. I'm just saying, I personally recommend this product, because of how high quality it is. Much love. Roaddog...