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Micronized Kava Review Mahakea - Micronized


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Being one of my old favorites, just the taste and smell of it brought a smile to my face. Drinking it, kept the smile on my face all night. My 1st two TBSP were nice and gentle, a pleasant slow build on the mind and body. Still very capable to be up and about doing things at this point. 30-40 minutes in, I made another 2 TBSP and this really kicked it up to another level. I was completely chill, bobbin' my head to music, forgot about the major neck pain I've been dealing with, started getting 'loose eyes' and slight loss of coordination. I let this build and level out, took one more TBSP and ate a little bit. At this point I was dancing on the line of silly-krunkiness. It got me in the zone. Very peaceful and relaxed just laying in the dark listening to music and enjoying every minute of it.

The effects are nicely euphoric judging from the smirk that was plastered on my face :smuggrin:. It has a fair amount of sedation at the higher end, but it's not pushy, heavy or groggy sedation. You can still get up and do stuff easily if you choose, it just encourages you not to. There's an urge to close your eyes, but not to sleep, just to drift. While it did loosen up my neck and relieve a good amount of pain and body tension, it wasn't a full body muscle-melt tingly body massage. I slept deeply and woke up in comfortable, cozy laziness.

There's something special about good Mahakea. It remains to be one of my absolute favorites. Thanks to Gourmet Hawaiian Kava and BULABUCK for hookin' it up!

Deleted User01

Good Review on the Mahakea Micronized Kava. I believe that is what you got. I think that one will be on the Hawaiian Gourmet Kava site soon. Most be pretty fine if you couldn't tell the difference between that and the instant. Another reason I love their Micronized. There are a few Hawaiian Kavas like that one that are "mildly sedating". I remember Yepimonfire describing one as making him lazy and I agreed totally with him. Shakas, did you have "heavy eyelids", like the eyelids are hovering right over your eyes but don't really want to close?

Deleted User01

That was super nice of you BulaBuck. May the Gods of Kava return the favor 10 times over.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Update: Rather than re-review a product I've already reviewed, I figured I'll just do a quick update here.
I had another night with some Mahakea micronized. It was nearly identical in awesomeness to my earlier review.
With that, and all the positive reviews from other members that have come in, it's clear that this is no fluke. This stuff is very effective and absolutely one of the best. I'm almost afraid to sing it's praises, in fear that everyone else may gobble up the stock. :nailbiting:
On this go around, I pushed it a little farther than usual and stayed up a bit later than I normally would. The next day was very slow and foggy headed. Yes, I did that with noble root. ::kavaleaf::
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Deleted User01

Well Shakas, if you get 4 hours of sleep, you may be a little groggy the next day. :LOL: Anyway, I was debating whether to do Hanapaki'Ai or Mahakea this afternoon, and now you got me smacking my lips for Mahakea. :hungry: Thanks, decision made. By the way, it's not bad tasting either. The lighter colored Kavas are like that and the darker ones seem less tasty. And I use the word "Tasty" with tongue in cheek.