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Micronized Kava Review Mahakea - Micronized


All Hail Leon
So, I don't yet have anything substantial to compare this to. Previously, the only Kava I've experienced was from NOW Foods Kava capsules (absolutely awful), and kava.com 33% kavalactone powder (only slightly better). I was really looking forward to trying the actual root of a noble cultivar, and@Gourmet Hawaiian Kava's micronized Mahakea did NOT disappoint. But as I said, I have no experience with other varieties or strains of actual Kava root.

That being said, the relaxing and anxiolytic properties of this Mahakea are wonderful. The taste was just fine, nothing negative about it that I can tell. I've read other accounts of people using 2 or even 3 tbsp. of this micronized in their brew, and honestly that seems like a lot to me. I could see taking that amount in the evening, but during the day, 1 tbsp was absolutely perfect for my needs. It's mellow and yet powerful enough to be effective.

Interestingly, it helped me concentrate on work today. I was able to quiet my mind and get down to work on the task before me without worrying about other stressors of the week. I didn't feel dissociated or distracted whatsoever, just calm, and able to focus.

I've also read accounts that the Mahakea is more of a body brew, so I'm looking forward to trying one of GHK's "heady" brews like Moi. No offense to the other vendors, but after the reading and research I've done, and after this experience, I'm going to stick with GHK for a while. Chris really knows what he's doing and I absolutely love knowing that he's knowledgeable and passionate about this work.

All in all, I'd highly recommend the Mahakea micronized, even to beginners like me, and especially to anyone who struggles with anxiety - it calmed me right down and helped me zero in on what was in front of me. Just start slow and listen to your body. :)

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Thank you so much for the great review, you are right I am passionate about kava and I love to make sure that I only grow the best possible kava. I love the fact that I can offer people the freshest kava direct from me the grower, in fact there is no other place to get kava as fresh as mine unless you go to Fiji or Vanuatu or some other Pacific island that grows kava (y). I have always wanted to make high grade kava available to the world, at least the parts of the world that it is legal to sell. I am glad that you like it and that it is working for you.
Aloha nui loa.
