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Micronized Kava Review Mahakea - Micronized


Me like da kava
Let me just say, this is the first time I have ever had the opportunity to try out any of GHK's products, let alone micronized kava. Man oh man was I missing out big time. This kava blew me away last night; the effects were nothing less than extraordinary and the least expected. Only 4 tbsp of this into a tall glass of juice, chugged down the hatch, and minutes later I began entering an increasingly altered state of mind and body. The heady effects were great but what really got me was the strongly pronounced body buzz. I don't think any kava could surpass what this one had given me - powerful muscle relaxation and hard-hitting body euphoria. The kind where you feel your body is lava and it hurts to even stand up and walk around. It was on the level that it felt as if I hadn't even taken kava - more of like a VERY pleasurable buzz from another category of substance that starts with an O (I won't go any further).

The headiness was surely there but not nearly as great as the "bodyness" to it. My vision was enhanced and sort of impaired ( a bit of an understatement) but that's because of how strong this is. I can't deny I was krunk and for anyone searching for what true relaxation really is, just give this one a try ;). No need to go on an island vacation to lift away the stresses, it'll be right in the golden bag. Oh yeah, and unless you're only taking a small amount (2 teaspoons-1tbsp at most), I certainly suggest you have nothing planned for the next few hours, at least. Best taken at night before bedtime. In addition, and I can't not mention this, sleep was out of this world. I was knocked out cold the entire night. If only the price wouldn't be as steep as it is, I'd pretty much consider switching over from using root powder entirely. The reason being - same potent effects, if not more so even from a strong grog, and of course, the mere convenience of it all.

Thanks a bunch Chris! You have enlightened me.


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
(y)on the review. Bert I have to say it always puts me in a good place reading reviews whether it's after kava, before or just browsing period. This is especially the case when I'm drinking the exact same kava as the one in said review because the compare and contrasts that follow are always fun to make. For example
The effects were nothing less than extraordinary and the least expected. -That makes two of us.;)
Powerful muscle relaxation and hard hitting euphoria. -Yep that sounds about right.
My vision was enhanced and sort of impaired. -Interesting to note, I can't say I've never experienced this before (as far as I can recall) but I'd be hard pressed to say this side effect has ever been very pronounced (though I'm a bit of a hard head so that may have an impact on my experiences).
I certainly suggest you have nothing planned for the next few hours. - Even though we make sure to say it time and time again I'm glad you made this point. I also recommend that even though kava may be a safer alternative to the more harmful substances out there being used on a clockwork basis...caffeine, alcohol...such and such; it should never be taken lightly. After all it can/will alter your state of mind to a certain extent and operating heavy machinery, driving or performing any other act that can put yourself or others in harm if you happen to not be paying attention is surely asking for trouble. The compare and contrast on this point comes in when I reflect on how powerful this cultivar in particular can be. Now as I've just just said I generally consider myself a hard-head but depending on the circumstances it only takes 1.5 to 2.0 tbsp for a nightcap... I'll let that speak for itself.::amirite::

My only true contrast I have is price per value. I wish I had the thread I'd like to reference saved but at some point Chris spoke about how he has to toss almost half the material when he makes micro because of a process which entails removing the Makas (or in other words the portion of a kava plant that causes skin irritation/dermopathy, gastrointestinal issue...etc). This appears to translate into a steeper price point but really you're paying the exact same amount you would for 1 pound of medium grind as you're for 1/2 a pound of micronized.::uhhuhhz:: Overall I tend to regulate my use of kava as micro over the week and grog over the weekend: due in part to the substantially quicker no prep "throw it in a glass of water chug and go" variability that micro offers. Then when I've got moment to relax it's time for some traditional prep to bring me back to the heart and soul of kava itself. ::happyshell::

P.s I haven't had much time to browse the forums lately but I want everyone to know I haven't forgotten about you all. I believe these forums are the future of kava. :D
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