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Micronized Kava Review Mahakea - Micronized


Spiritual Empath Warrior
Personal Info: 5'11"/~140 lbs/Male/20 years old
Kava Usage: Infrequent; Use is either consistent back to back days at a time or none at all for weeks sometimes months at a time.
Consumption: Kava was consumed on an empty stomach at approximately 7pm in the evening with a meal following all shells.

This Kava was my first experience with micronized, but it sure was enjoyable. I found the effects to be overall balanced and gentle with its onset and duration. It lifted me up slowly and brought me down gently. Although gentle in essence, it still packs a punch. I would consider this one of the more potent strains I have tried.

The peak is very strong and exhibits a balance of effects, mainly headiness and anxiolytic properties with sedation. I found the Mahakea to be extremely heady during its onset and peak, yet as it wore off I became very sedated. I experienced the headiness with Mahakea to be consistent euphoria especially during its peak and mental energy, almost too much for the evening/night-time. I experienced the heavy effects to be primarily anesthetic in nature but found the headiness and anti-anxiety/sedation to overpower any heaviness experienced. I find Kava in general to be a very interesting plant. It has a wide range of strains and effects that alter depending on duration. This particular Kava is a good example. I also experienced this Kava singing very loudly especially near my 5th and 6th shells. The intelligence of the plant definitely shines through with this strain.

Overall I believe this was a great first experience with micronized Kava. I also want to commend Gourmet Hawaiian Kava for their micros. I have not experienced any gastrointestinal issues or side effects from their micronized form and find it much more palatable. I have found bowel stimulation and the strong diuretic effects to be normal with my Kava consumption for which I prepare by staying properly hydrated before and after my sessions. This has reduced all possible negative effects in conjunction with micronized form which is my new favorite. I have not tried instant, however that form is in my near future. I currently received GHK's new micro variety Boroguru in the mail today and will be posting a review of that soon. Peace!

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Great writeup Aco! I love your detailed account of the whole session.

I only wish Mahakea had the same effects on me that it seems to on pretty much everyone else!


Spiritual Empath Warrior
@Steve Mariotti & HeadHodge
Thanks for the positive feedback guys this is my first review and I plan on being more active on these forums going forward.
Steve I took a gander at your review of Mahakea and noticed you only consumed 4tbsp. I am not judging your dose because it is completely subjective, however I will note I am only 140lbs and it really did take at least 6 tbsp to notice the effects I described. On other occassions I upped to around 8 tbsp and noticed them stronger. You may see better results by increasing dosage. Although my experience with kava varieties and suppliers is limited as I am still a novice. Its possible my determination of its potency isnt accurate, not to mention I am a lightweight to most psychoactive substances lol. Peace!

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I agree it is a great write up, thank you very much. This also shows the different effects that the same kava can have on different people. For the most part most people will react the same but I have noticed some that will have different experiences with the same kava.
Both great but just different. I remember in the late 1980's when I was looking for any different kava variety I could find, when I found one I could not wait to try it out to see what the effects would be like. I was like a kid in a candy store but I had to wait at least 2 years before the candy was done. :nailbiting: I only would take a cutting and start a new kava plant from that. Thanks again for the great review. (y) Aloha.


Deleted User01

@Aco651, Nice review. Headgie is right, the quality of the reviews seems to have grown by leaps and bounds. I weight in at 158 but 2 tablespoons of micronized Mahakea gives me nice effects. 3 tablespoons is a weekend dose. Hi, my name is Deleted User01, and I am a Kava Liteweight. :LOL: Anyway, I'm also a big fan of Mahakea though I normally don't drink it on work day afternoons because of the sedation. However, I love the combo of sedation and headiness on weekend afternoons after the chores are all done.
When you are doing the 13 Kavas of Hawaii, you have a Kava for every occasion! :D