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Powdered Kava Review Mahakea

I have been trying to get BKH and GHK products for my store but I haven't been able to secure an invoice from either supplier so I went ahead and got some to try anyway. This Mahakea is very nice. I nearly didn't try it as I had a heavy lunch and didn't do much exercise afterwards so my stomach still had food lying around in it. I'm kind of glad my stomach wasn't fully empty though because it is very strong and if my stomach had been pure empty it may have been too much for me (bear in mind my own Malekula is too strong for me most days so I am hyper sensitive, don't be afraid to drink this on an empty stomach).

It has all round great effects, relaxing of the mind and body, clearness of mind and If I drank it closer to bedtime which I wish I had, I'm sure it would give me a nice sleep.

I only drank it about 40 minutes ago so I can't say how long it lasts but I reckon it will last some time, it has that feel to it.

It's good stuff, definitely a thumbs up from me.