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Micronized Kava Review Mahakea


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
(Edit-I should also add that my shell ratings were based off of my overall experience with mahakea and not this singular 1 Tbsp but even taking that into consideration; just one tablespoon can hold its own very well.:D)

So my weekend grog preparation is on the fritz this Saturday because I had to reconsider whether I'd be under any time constraints.....and thus we have the foundation for this review. :)

I've had plenty of time to meander through the twists and turns of Mahakea creek if you will and as life would happen, I've found a wondrous treasure during my kava inundated excursions. Mahakea as coined by a reviewing-whore member of these forums (excuse the expletive..cough...cough, the words were not mine :p) it can be your-hakea as well as my-hakea (my opinion for the last part of the sentence) just don't make an attempt to fly-hakea because it just won't happen....:LOL:

Okay enough of that maharky , it's soothing, powerful, euphoric/heady, weighty, and relatively sedating all wrapped up in a nifty little package called kava.

Smell- Without too much detail it's easy to explain away any cultivar as "earthy"....same goes for the taste but I'll get to taste in the next paragraph; it's fresh and sweet scented though as far as I'm concerned this's (subjectively) something to reflect back on and not of highest priority (unless of course you detect a hint of mold or rankness coming from the powder).

The taste is not piney nor bitter but still maintains every bit of "earth" attributed to a good brew...honestly taste is often a mimicry of smell and at least for mahakea that's certainly true. An added plus of the micronized version is that it *can* help in some ways to sheath the often prevalent "deepness" or "fullness" of the muddy taste I've come to know through consumption of a traditionally prepared grog.

Effects- Well luckily since I've already explained the "sensations", I attest others might also have the same sentiments but to leave it there would not be giving credit where it's due. I guess the gift that keeps on giving could be a wholehearted summation but what especially shines through the senses are two things, muscle relaxation and a headiness which seems to maintain as long as you're not off to catch some :sleep:.

Overall it's, has....and may always be for moi "The Equalizer" during the day as well as a respected nightcap, but be aware that this kava can catch you off guard, without a shadow of doubt it has happened to me; whether that's attributed to the chemotype or those revered 19% kavalactones it'll always remain etched into my "favorites" memory-booklet as Papakeas once conjoined twin.:happy:

As a side note, is anyone else of the mind that there's a presence of "glow" non-associated with euphoria as a cause of kava usage...a much deeper aspect of the "shield affect" perhaps? As if I could enter a deep meditation at any point in time or like the entirety of my body has a vibrancy of sorts? Now I promise everyone, only kava has been partaken and it's a honest question because this atmosphere is a constant throughout all of my kava experiences; it feels awfully tangible, as if I gave it my all i'd be capable of reaching out and grasping some imperceptible ether. The ancients had always been after something of unprecedented value, maybe that's what it truly was all about (the ether).

This review has far exceeded the expanse of just kava, If you skipped over portions of my drivel I don't blame you for doing so. And If you've managed to read this far without breaking out in fits produced by wall-of-text induced rage this's where I take my leave. ::bow2::

I believe this worlds ancestors held expansive knowledge far beyond our comprehension, I thank you Chris for your perseverance to protect this plant and I respect anyone else whom also defends that unalienable right. ::;)2::

What more can I say, kava's awesome alright?!!::whatawho::::zilla::::explicativesz::::ricky::::awesomesmiles::

M'd signing off, *have a shell*::uhhuhhz::::kavaleaf::::happyshell::
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