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Make the Kava Lounge a Private Community?

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
In addition to soon handing over the keys, I'd like everyone here to chime in (perhaps I can make a separate thread that is a poll, if that would help) and let me know if we should close the community and make it be a "by invitation only" affair. That will keep out the Spam.
On the topic of Spam, who the fuck buys a kitchen from a spambot on Yuku? I just don't get it. I mean, Viagra I can understand... but a kitchen decorator?
(smiley: alien)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Great, and I was just about to press the buy button for my pre-fab kitchen.

I believe the information here should be available and open to everyone so making it private would, I feel, deprive the people searching for real information. We're already #1 on google when it comes to kava and forum search strings. I think even the best moderated forums deal with spam on the regular. Having a moderator would take care of this. I think it's a necessary evil. I mean at most they'd have to delete a few spam posts per week.

vBulletin, no? If not then www.kavaforums.com will forever be pointed here.

Thats my 5 cents.


Kava Enthusiast
I agree with Kapmcrunk. Had this forum been private I doubt I ever would have tried to sign up. Without this forum I may have never tried kava, and if I had it was going to be Kona kava. There are people out there who I feel really *need* kava, I would hate to hide information from those exploring their options.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Kava's calming effect notwithstanding, I fear too many of us have far too much social anxiety to ask to join private communities.


Kava Enthusiast
Agreed. This forum is really starting to pick up. It would be a shame to curb its momentum.

Then again it would keep the place nice and friendly without any of "them" here. You know who I mean ;)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
The forum private? No I don't think that's a good idea. I agree with everyone else about that. Maybe certain sections of the forum could be private but even then I don't see any immediate need for a members only section.


Kava Enthusiast
Please keep open.  Agree that if people are searching for info - this is the BEST place for them to find.


Kava Enthusiast
Perhaps if it were private and anyone could view it but members had to go through a brief moderation period to make sure they actually had things to talk about and weren't just spambots. New user moderation for just a few posts would basically totally negate the spam and would only be a little work for a mod. Basically if someone posted any post consisting of ideas or questions relating to kava they would be in. I highly doubt a spambot is going to make a handful of meaningful and intelligent posts and then try and sell you a friggin kitchen.

I do not how difficult this would be to instantiate or operate, but I suspect it would solve the problem.

We still haven't gotten a single troll yet that I know about, that seriously has to be some type some type of internet record. Privatizing may thwart n00bs from popping in getting involved and they'll go and get their kava answers bluelight or drugforum that are troll vipers nests who are obsessed with rectal drug use. I'd rather someone come here and get real credible answers than head over there and be told kava is bunk unless you inject it or take it rectally and then be encouraged to try some godawful "research chemical" instead. Seriously some of the other info found about kava on "harm reduction" forums is the worst possible advise out there.

There's allot of good solid and safe advise here along with a welcoming environment for newcomers. It would be shame to make it less appealing for people to join and get involved.

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
I agree w/not privatizing it, good points n2k this is the only forum I routinely visit now wish I had found it first the others I stumbled onto before this one are really sad in comparison.

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
I feel so lucky to have found this "Kava Lounge" my computer skills would not have let me even know how to apply. Also I did not know enough to ask the right questions. Where are you going away to Mr V. cat? I count on your information,but others here have helped me too. Thank you and everyone for their help:) Maybe kava keeps out bad people,it would seem odd to be a mean person and drink kava.:)


Kava Lover
I think the reason that there are no trolls is because it's less easy to get kava drinkers angry. I mean, if I saw someone trolling and being an ass on here, after a few shells I'd just be like "heh, check out this fool"


Kava Curious
I do admit there is a part of me that would like to give a greater level of privacy to the forum. But I also feel new users should have the opportunity to use the forum as place to garner information for themselves. Maybe a process of where no visability is available until someone signs up as a member to the forum. I know other forums use this process/ rule.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Agreed. the world at large should find this place easily. Besides, we MAY have a new Mod soon, yea Prince?

Buddhacide wrote:Agreed. This forum is really starting to pick up. It would be a shame to curb its momentum.

Then again it would keep the place nice and friendly without any of "them" here. You know who I mean ;)


Kava Enthusiast
I agree with pretty much everyone else.  Keep it open (kava and real worthwhile knowledge about it is meant to be shared)but have a moderator to keep the spam in line and the inevitable troll as the site and knowledge of kava grows.

Love this site-nothing but love and honesty here.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
One thing is for sure, if it were set to private the people who saw my last class project presentation would get a fun surprise when they typed in that URL. Ha! I got the skype info of one person who was interested in it so hopefully we'll see her around asking questions soon.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
agreed :)  The peace plant and the communities that surround it stand for openness and understanding...not closed and secluded