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Make your own kava caps, best way to dose IMO

Hello everyone I've been using a  new method for ingesting kava that I have
never seen anyone recommend before and I wanted to share my experience.
I like to do is I purchase some "Isa" from a very reputable vendor
and use my cap-em-quick machine to fill my own capsules up with premium micronized kava
root powder, I
can pack about 550mg of kava root in each 00 size capsule. In the past I would make
50g bowls (about 5 shells) daily, and by the time I'd finish drinking them all, a krunk would wash over me... Nowadays I
cap up some Isa, take my dose, and transcend into the greatest krunk
imaginable. I only need to put 5 grams of root powder in some empty
capsules (~10capsules size 00), then take on empty stomach and wait for
pure bliss. 5g rewards you with a fun krunk, 10g will put you in a nod
followed by knockout. This stuff works so well that it knocks me out
even while on high doses of amphetamines, basically eliminating all the
negative effects of a stimulant/psychedelic comedown. Normally, I like
to consume
~3grams twice a day for its ability to eliminate anxiety which is on par with prescription drugs in terms of effectiveness, without addiction and tolerance, ect; The euphoria and relaxation is a plus also.
This method hits you much more effectively because you get all of the
root fiber being digested. It is far more potent then making bowls which
means you will consume a lot less root. For example, I
used to go through 3lbs a month making 45g mud bowls every day, but with
capping method I will go through 1 lb a month all while getting much
more anxiety relief. I have been saving a lot of money each month by
doing this. With the reasons stated above and the fact that you
would never have to drink mud water again is what makes this so
appealing for me and for most others I would assume. I know for a fact
others enjoy it too because I have given a lot of my friends samples of
my self made capsules and each time I've never had a negative response.
I've had a lot of them tell me it felt like a Xanax, no joke. There is no
way in hell I could persuade most of them to down 3-5 shells to get the
same effect as 5-10g powder in capsules (about 10-20caps) yet people will always down
the capsules with ease. You all should try it to see what I'm saying, It is
the only way I will ever ingest kava from now on. If this offends any kava lovers I apologize, it does help me out a lot though.


Kava Curious
I'm really tempted to try this.  You'd think after 6 months of mostly daily kava drinking, I'd start to get used to the taste, but if anything it seems to be getting worse...
If you're just putting root powder in, that should essentially have the same effects as toss-and-wash.  Yet you claim to be able to use less.  For experiment sake, if you take the same amount of root you normally take in capsules, dump it in some water, and chug it, I wonder if you'd feel the same thing, or if there would be some difference.  I'm also curious if there's any change in the negative effects from the toss-and-wash method (on your stomach).  
Also, is there any real reason to only used micronized root, since it's all the same ingredients ending up in your stomach anyways?
Well I guess I'll know some answers soon enough if I can find some empty capsules.  I have a few bags of very finely ground and/or very bad tasting root that will most likely end up in the garbage otherwise.


Kava Enthusiast
10-20 caps? That's a ton, but whatever works I guess. If I eat more than a couple of those things I don't feel well.


Kava Enthusiast
Very interesting, if you can get such good effects on such a little amount of kava that's great. Just worried though, since this is effectively tossing and washing, is there more danger of having an adverse reaction to the kava? I'm trying to be very careful to not develop an allergic reaction to kava, like has happened to a couple of people on here recently.


Kava Enthusiast
midas said:
Very interesting, if you can get such good effects on such a little amount of kava that's great. Just worried though, since this is effectively tossing and washing, is there more danger of having an adverse reaction to the kava? I'm trying to be very careful to not develop an allergic reaction to kava, like has happened to a couple of people on here recently.
I feel the same. It seems like everyone who has had those reactions pushed the limits immediately before their reaction, and for several it seems like there is no going back. So now I'm not tossing and washing anymore, and I never drastically up my intake.


Kava Curious
I just bought some capsules and I'm giving it a try now with some of the finely ground BKH Boroguru.  The toss and wash method has never been too kind to me, so I'm more curious about the side effects (stomach and dehydration) using capsules.  I guess I don't imagine they'd be any different, but worth a try.
Capsules are, by far, the simplest and easiest way to get something into your stomach while bypassing your taste buds.  This would be an awesome method for extracts if you don't like the taste, but that could get very expensive...


Kava Enthusiast
soCold, it wouldnt have any different effect on your system versus toss and wash, the capsule would dissolve and the root would be in your stomach the same as toss n wash

unless you are in it for a quick high, i'd highly recommend that anyone wanting the possibility of long term kava use to stay away from this method or toss n wash

stick as close as you can to traditional use and it will treat your body better

but thats my opinion
Whats wrong with long term toss and wash? It is kava; the same kava you're drinking now just not halfway strained out. You guys are so paranoid that something bad will happen LOL. I do this everyday, and I started capping em like 4 months ago. I am as healthy as anyone can be. As far as adverse reactions go, they usually happen if you drink way to much. So as a rule of thumb start with a little bit ~5g and see how you feel. Also use a brand you are familiar with so you know what to expect, this method lets you get really krunk for a lot less root; it will feel exactly as you are used to with your favorite kava. Don't knock something down because you are afraid to try it, it works extremely well and a lot of people would agree with me when I say that. The islanders make it the "traditional way" right. Well do you think they had access to capsule machines and gelatin capsules a thousand years ago when they were churning their kava? It is 2013 and I say let us venture into the different options available in our time period. (smiley: wink)


Kava Enthusiast
Hey Audriste

no offense was meant, it was just my opinion

I'm not sure how long you have been watching this forum but recently there have been a string of cases in which our users developed a very bad rash and in some cases had to completely stop drinking kava, it didnt go away even after waiting several months, the next time they had a drink it reappears. While this hasnt been shown to be caused by toss n wash it was one theory that was discussed.

Personally I drink kava for a bad back injury, it replaces my prescription pain killers and muscle relaxers, it also takes care of my anxiety. Kava has been such a life saver for me I cant imagine having to stop it 100%. If toss n wash is a possible cause then I would stay away from it just to be safe. For me kava i appreciate the spiritual ritualistic side of kava and its traditional history.

The only time i accidentally did toss n wash it gave me extreme stomach pains and it will also bring on dermopathy much quicker which lot of us daily users are struggling with.

Thats cool if u have found a method that works for you, but if SoCold had stomach problems with toss n wash, he will also have the same issues with this method, you are just putting it in caps instead of swallowing it without the cap.


Kava Curious
The only concern with toss-and-wash has to do with the vocal few that have randomly grown allergies to kava which may be linked to toss-and-washing.  It is a bit of paranoia, but it's always better to be on the safe side.  As far as I know there aren't any real health concerns with toss-and wash.  A lot of people do it regularly out of convenience.
And I agree about technology.  I'm all for tradition, but not when it blatantly ignores technological advances.  I swear, it seems like some people would rather drink kava that was chewed up and spit out by a virgin than extracted by a machine that is 5x more efficient, just because "that's how it's been done for thousands of years"...
Anyways...  When you take your capsules, do take all 10-20 at once?  Or space them out a bit?  How long would you say it takes to start kicking in?


Kava Curious
mos3z said:
 Thats cool if u have found a method that works for you, but if SoCold had stomach problems with toss n wash, he will also have the same issues with this method, you are just putting it in caps instead of swallowing it without the cap.
To be honest, I've never tried toss-and-wash out of fear.  Kava destroys my stomach no matter how well I strain it.  Even with my finely woven Muslin bag with reinforced stitching to keep the sides from opening up.  A kava session doesn't even feel complete until I'm running to the bathroom with my Nexus 7 in my hand.  And since toss-and-wash is reportedly worse on the stomach, I really didn't want to find out what would happen.
But as I stated, the taste actually seems to be getting worse for me.  I was fine for a while, slowly drinking a batch over the course of an hour or so without any chasers, no problem.  But lately it's getting to the point where I start to gag whenever I bring the cup near my mouth.  So this is definitely a worthwhile experiment for me.  I'll just have to weigh the benefits.
Plus, I've learned to make no assumptions about kava since so little is actually understood about it.  All that yellow stuff you spend ten minutes scraping off your mixing bowl, hands, strainer, intermediate container, and cup/shell, the numbing effect in your mouth and throat, that's all wasted kavalactones.  What if bypassing all of that and getting it into your stomach with a time release capsule made it that much more potent.  Am I speaking out of my ass?  Yes.  The point is no one really knows, so I'm up for trying anything with kava, regardless of what I assume will happen.


Kava Enthusiast
ImSoCold...If you do try this with your Boroguru, do let us know how you got on...hopefully not while sitting in the loo with your Nexus 7 (smiley: laugh)


Kava Enthusiast
it sounds like boroguru might be one of the strongest on your stomach in toss n wash, maybe try a different strain?

it killed my stomach when i didnt realize i drank straight root


Kava Curious
I have read my Nietzsche, so I am always wary of tradition for tradition's sake.

But I have also read my Pollan, and believe in the co-evolution of plants, people, and consciousness. So if tradition dictates a method with plant drugs, I tend towards tradition, always.


Kava Lover
I agree with harp here. 4 months is not a long time AT ALL. Just talk to some of the members that have been drinking kava for 7+ years. I mean no offense to you or your method, I mean whatever floats your boat, but just because the islanders didn't have quick cap machines and synthetic gelatin caps, doesn't mean they didn't have access to this method. In fact, I would think it much more likely for them to first attemp to eat the roots rather than go through the process of making it into a beverage. It really just makes more sense to eat an intoxicating root, really; but they didn't. These were the people tht were able to navigate the oceans using pin-point accuracy without any modern technology, so thy were far from stupid. They obviously preferred it in beverage form for a reason; you think 3000 years isn't enough time for some trial and error? I am glad tht you have found something that works, but I personally only do toss and wash when I need to medicate quick in a high anxiety situation and I have no time to make a traditional grog. And I hate toss and wash, personally; it kills my stomach and also leaves me feeling slow the next day and sometimes sore. It's been proven that there are things in kava that are very bad for the liver, that are NOT extracted using traditional prep. So, even though you are getting the maximum amount of kavalactones in your system, you are potentially ingesting harmful things. But again, not trying to knock your system, but please don't knock our kastom, because I actually would drink some mud water that was chewed by a virgin; that's just me though :)


Kava Enthusiast
For added context, one of our members drank kava for three years before her reactions happened, and they were severe enough that she had to quit drinking kava, presumably for good. This was after she tried the toss-n-wash method.

I personally don't feel like it's harmful to take in the root itself, but I think when you don't give your body enough adjustment time, or you continually push your luck, you are more at risk of reactions like hers.

Kava has the habit of teaching you patience and moderation whether you want that lesson or not.