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marijuana in Washington! (and Colorado)


Now with kava and marijuana, I have no reason at all to consider drinking anymore. Extremely productive. Can I get a woot woot


Kava Enthusiast
Great for you guys. Stuck here in hill billy east bumfuck where you get fined and sent to jail for weed. I'm hoping it goes nationwide but even it's thats the case NH will be dead last to legalize. We finally got the republican out of the governers office who has been shooting down medical marijuana, the whole state congress would approve but this tosser would veto it. I'm hoping NH gets it shit together sometime soon, or west coast here I come...

I will gladly give a "woot woot" on principle, but mind you it is a very jealous and bittersweet "woot woot" on my part. Blaze one up for me bro, once my probation ends, I plan on packing my bags and getting out of this retarded anit-weed state.


Kava Curious
Great news! Now we just need to see if the federal government allows it to stand. Obama said in the past that he wouldn't go after medical marijuana in California, but then they did.


@dubkava - Yup! Here in WA you can officially possess up to an ounce of mj for recreational use so long as you're 21. I don't know the laws in CO though. But this is really cool, and a first step to getting marijuana into the scheme of things. Tobacco and alcohol have ruled as our recreationals for too long lol. I think Oregon will probably be next to take this step. But yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the federal government fought us on this, but this is what the people want dammit! Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

@new2kava - I feel your pain man. Hang in there lol. The west is only a few hours away by plane XD - Fortunately, it seems the general public is realizing that marijuana prohibition is useless. Reminds me a lot of the 1920s alcohol prohibition.

@katiedid - Yeah definitely, they haven't said much on the matter yet. I really hope they leave us alone, so that we can be example to the other states on what marijuana legalization can bring. Pressure is all on us lol.

I'm a bit bummed, though, that home growing is still illegal. It's no worries, but I was looking forward to raising my own cannabis plant lol. Ah well.


Mr True Colors
I have read amendment 64 that was passed in Colorado allows you to use marijuana almost exactly like alcohol and you can grow it for personal use i have read too.


Kava Enthusiast
I think one by one states will legalize it as state laws are passed on the concensus of the voters, as is the fundemental basis of democracy. The federal government however, is heavily buffered and cut off from any accountability to the voters and the only wishes that congress and senate awknowledge are those of the vastly wealthy who lobby them. Marijuana is an enemy of the pharmaceutical industry and big pharma knows that if marijuana were to become legal not only could they not control it, they would lose tens of billions in sale from; anit-depresants, sleep aids, social anxiety medications, anti-seziure meds, pain meds, muscle relaxers, and cannabis is showing experiment to inhibit and eradicate cancer cell growth.

For those reasons alone are why big pharma will pay our corrupt federal lawmakers to continue with prohibition and the fed will keep it ilegal. The primary reason that decriminalization happens in the Netherlands and other European nations is they have socialized healthcare and the pharmaceutical companies don't have the power they do in the U$A. I may just be overly negative, but I have nothing but distrust and distain for the federal government. Likely the DEA will go after this full force and will begin raiding dispenseries like they do in CA. Individual users should be fine, but sellers will be playing Russian roulet.

Kavalover, you should look into getting medical marijuana. I know that may be moot point now but mabye the standards for issuing a card will come down. WA as sweet mmj laws and you would be able to grow like 12 plants and have 24 ounces if you were a mmj patent.


Kava Lover
This is truly a great thing for America! Hopefully Cali will be next. However, I am looking at a college in Washington so..... n_n too bad that the age is 21 though :/


Kava Enthusiast
I wish Carl Sagan was alive to see the day.

If the federal government doesn't ruin it, it'll bring billions to the states. Also less money the FEDs have to use arresting people for simple possession of pot.

Private prisons spend who knows how much money lobbying in congress to keep it illegal. =(


Kava Enthusiast
It is time for me to leave this stinking small minded town (yes, New York City). This town has been bled dry and there is not one hip cool creative and wonderful thing about it anymore. If you smoke here you get SENT TO JAIL, Cannabis prices are through the fucking roof and worse than this; THERE IS NO PLACE TO GET REAL KAVA KAVA IN NYC!!!!  I am seriously thinking about getting out. Portland Oregon's got Bula kava House AND decriminalized Cannabis Sativa/Indica, what's life like there?