I think one by one states will legalize it as state laws are passed on the concensus of the voters, as is the fundemental basis of democracy. The federal government however, is heavily buffered and cut off from any accountability to the voters and the only wishes that congress and senate awknowledge are those of the vastly wealthy who lobby them. Marijuana is an enemy of the pharmaceutical industry and big pharma knows that if marijuana were to become legal not only could they not control it, they would lose tens of billions in sale from; anit-depresants, sleep aids, social anxiety medications, anti-seziure meds, pain meds, muscle relaxers, and cannabis is showing experiment to inhibit and eradicate cancer cell growth.
For those reasons alone are why big pharma will pay our corrupt federal lawmakers to continue with prohibition and the fed will keep it ilegal. The primary reason that decriminalization happens in the Netherlands and other European nations is they have socialized healthcare and the pharmaceutical companies don't have the power they do in the U$A. I may just be overly negative, but I have nothing but distrust and distain for the federal government. Likely the DEA will go after this full force and will begin raiding dispenseries like they do in CA. Individual users should be fine, but sellers will be playing Russian roulet.
Kavalover, you should look into getting medical marijuana. I know that may be moot point now but mabye the standards for issuing a card will come down. WA as sweet mmj laws and you would be able to grow like 12 plants and have 24 ounces if you were a mmj patent.