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Kava Vaping/Smoking Mellow Maluk Eliquid

Timothy Lanier

Noble Clouds E-liquid co-Owner/partner
Kava Vendor
Mellow Maluk Eliquid 100mg Kavalactones per ml
A Bold & Tangy vaporizing liquid made with Noble Kava Root Extract

Mental clarity and heavy relaxation are found with this tangy kava blend featuring organic extracts of ginger, lemon & orange.

Ginger and citruses are often a part of traditional remedies used to encourage digestion, circulation and provide anti-inflammatory relief. You really can’t go wrong with this tingly, tasty formula. Reach for Mellow Maluk when you’re in need.

Recommended for use in a personal vaporizer only. These kava/terpene blends are most effective when vaporizing temperatures do not exceed 425° F. This is an organic plant-based product and it is normal for the liquid to appear as a strong yellow color (kava) and consistency to be somewhat viscous. It will vaporize well in most vaporizer models, though glass or stainless steel tanks are recommended. High temperature mods are not suited for this type of eliquid.

This product is not intended to cure, treat or mitigate any disease or illness.