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Melo Melo Coming Back!

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Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Time to get excited kava lovers. A long time favorite kava is coming back! We used to stock a noble Vanuatu kava called Melo Melo, it was one of my personal favorites for a long time. Unfortunately a time came when we could no longer ensure that it was 100% Melo Melo. Mostly the concern was that there was a possibility that it was a different kava being sold as Melo Melo. Obviously knowing this we couldn't sell it anymore.

Good news is that last week one of my Vanuatu suppliers informed me that he had secured some Melo Melo from the island of Ambae in Vanuatu, which is known for growing this particular cultivar. He told me that a sample had been sent to the Ministry of Trade for testing and he was awaiting results. Just a couple days ago the results came in and it's good to go, having passed their noble/tudei test.

We should have some of this kava available possibly as soon as next week! Getting kava from Vanuatu that isn't adulterated with tudei is pretty difficult nowadays, and nearly all of the noble kava that is available is either Borogu or Boroguru/Borogoru. So yes, this is very exciting.



New Zealand
Kava Vendor
Glad to read that it seems you've managed to secure "real" Melo Melo. I was one of the unfortunate people who purchased that "different" melo a while ago. I still have nightmares about it. The single worst kava experience of my life. Made me give up grogging for a bit.
So yea, fingers crossed this time it will be real thing and that nobody will have to go through what I went with that "extra strong batch".
The real thing is indeed quite famous both in Vanuatu and around the world and many people say it is one of their favourite cultivars!

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
The Melo Melo is here. I just picked it up today and made a small batch to share at the kava bar with my employees and some regular customers that were willing to be the guinea pigs. First thoughts: Really nice stuff. I had a single strong shell, and it hit me hard and suddenly. I was nervous that it was too strong with the ferocity it came on, but it quickly eased up and was very pleasant. Generally all that tried it had positive things to say, often commenting on how smooth and fresh flavored it is.

It has already been tested and confirmed to be noble, and we'll soon be sending it off for the other very important testing we do. We actually have test results on our old Melo Melo from the same region, but we like to be thorough since we haven't carried this particular kava in a while. It could be available online as early as late this week.


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
It has already been tested and confirmed to be noble, and we'll soon be sending it off for the other very important testing we do. We actually have test results on our old Melo Melo from the same region, but we like to be thorough since we haven't carried this particular kava in a while. It could be available online as early as late this week.
Will you share the test results publicly? I.e. actual pdfs?

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Will you share the test results publicly? I.e. actual pdfs?
I'll start you off with this one. Blacked out bit is the exporter name that I prefer not to share. I will probably share specific chemotype as well once we have it. When the other tests are done I don't know if they'll be made public. We do them for internal quality control, so we don't really see much use in posting multiple pages listing all possible contaminants, though I'm not necessarily opposed to it. All in all, it's good noble kava and if you liked our Melo Melo before I think you'll be quite happy.


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