For any newcomers, here's a quick disclaimer about me. I seem to have a fairly high tolerance to kava, kavain 'heady' strains typically react very weakly with me (compared to other people) and I'm usually very quick to get nausea and bloating from kava.
I made my 1st batch of Melo Melo with only one paint strainer because I thought it was going to be a really light and slightly milder strain like a Tongan/Hawaiian/Samoan 'ava. I let more of the grit through than usual to get a stronger brew in hopes of feeling the effects at their fullest. The first thing I noticed after squeezing was the strong aroma. It smelled a lot like hot cinnamon candy. The taste had a very sharp specific bitterness that I haven't had from any other kava. It may have even been worse than Stone the 1st few times I had it.
Now, my first experience with Melo Melo turned out pretty crazy. I don't wanna scare anyone away from this kava, but, this is just what happened to me the first time. After my 1st shell I was quickly blown away by how effective this stuff was. I actually felt more like I would after 3 or 4 shells of heavier stuff, but I had only had one. 20-30 minutes passed and it felt like it had leveled out, so I went for my next shell to see where else it could get me. This is where it started gettin' weird. I began to get very uncomfortable. It was a lot like starting to have a panic attack while at the same time being very sedate. My body started quivering and every few minutes my legs would kick or jerk a little bit. My perception of temperature started fluctuating...I went from warm, to cold..putting a jacket on...taking the jacket off. I guess the symptoms actually seemed quite a bit like over stimulation. There was even 'shrinkage' at this point. I rode those sensations out for about 45 min or an hour and as they finally started diminishing I went ahead and had a 3rd shell. This one just got me a bit more lazy and rooted...and brought on the nausea. When the nausea faded, everything was good and it just felt like I had a very heavy night of kava. Everything was peaceful again. Even though the majority of the experience was uncomfortable, there was always this underlying feeling of being distinctly 'high' a way that would had been really enjoyable if not for being overpowered by the negatives. I fell asleep, quick and easy. Woke up feeling great.
Every time since then, I've never had the same experience. It turned out to be a great kava and probably the most balanced kava I've had. Although most people consider this one a kavain, 'heady' daytime kava. I feel it to be quite sedating and sluggish on top of having a fair amount of a head high. I noticed this one really brings out the glossiness and vividness in things I look at. I really enjoy that. I began using two paint strainers or my fijian strainer to play it safe...but was also never capable of having a single shell be as effective as my very 1st shell. The taste got more palatable as time went on but remains one of the worst I've had. Not that I'd ever let that stop me. It's also not as easy on my stomach as I was hoping, but...
Will definitely buy again.
I made my 1st batch of Melo Melo with only one paint strainer because I thought it was going to be a really light and slightly milder strain like a Tongan/Hawaiian/Samoan 'ava. I let more of the grit through than usual to get a stronger brew in hopes of feeling the effects at their fullest. The first thing I noticed after squeezing was the strong aroma. It smelled a lot like hot cinnamon candy. The taste had a very sharp specific bitterness that I haven't had from any other kava. It may have even been worse than Stone the 1st few times I had it.
Now, my first experience with Melo Melo turned out pretty crazy. I don't wanna scare anyone away from this kava, but, this is just what happened to me the first time. After my 1st shell I was quickly blown away by how effective this stuff was. I actually felt more like I would after 3 or 4 shells of heavier stuff, but I had only had one. 20-30 minutes passed and it felt like it had leveled out, so I went for my next shell to see where else it could get me. This is where it started gettin' weird. I began to get very uncomfortable. It was a lot like starting to have a panic attack while at the same time being very sedate. My body started quivering and every few minutes my legs would kick or jerk a little bit. My perception of temperature started fluctuating...I went from warm, to cold..putting a jacket on...taking the jacket off. I guess the symptoms actually seemed quite a bit like over stimulation. There was even 'shrinkage' at this point. I rode those sensations out for about 45 min or an hour and as they finally started diminishing I went ahead and had a 3rd shell. This one just got me a bit more lazy and rooted...and brought on the nausea. When the nausea faded, everything was good and it just felt like I had a very heavy night of kava. Everything was peaceful again. Even though the majority of the experience was uncomfortable, there was always this underlying feeling of being distinctly 'high' a way that would had been really enjoyable if not for being overpowered by the negatives. I fell asleep, quick and easy. Woke up feeling great.
Every time since then, I've never had the same experience. It turned out to be a great kava and probably the most balanced kava I've had. Although most people consider this one a kavain, 'heady' daytime kava. I feel it to be quite sedating and sluggish on top of having a fair amount of a head high. I noticed this one really brings out the glossiness and vividness in things I look at. I really enjoy that. I began using two paint strainers or my fijian strainer to play it safe...but was also never capable of having a single shell be as effective as my very 1st shell. The taste got more palatable as time went on but remains one of the worst I've had. Not that I'd ever let that stop me. It's also not as easy on my stomach as I was hoping, but...
Will definitely buy again.
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