Kava Enthusiast
Im not sure if their is a thread on here yet, but I wanted to get peoples input on what kavas they have mixed and how it turned out!
One of my favorite things to do is mix kavas together. Im currently mixing KBR tongan pride and fiji waka, and also paradise kavas dry awa with fiji waka (which is realllllllly good).
In the past ive made a couple more mixtures, like stone/wow and OLD solomon/wow.
What mixtures have you guys tried?
One of my favorite things to do is mix kavas together. Im currently mixing KBR tongan pride and fiji waka, and also paradise kavas dry awa with fiji waka (which is realllllllly good).
In the past ive made a couple more mixtures, like stone/wow and OLD solomon/wow.
What mixtures have you guys tried?