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Instant Kava Review Mo’i - Instant


Kava Enthusiast
So I'm fairly new here,
In the last 40 some odd days Iv managed to order and try a few of the fairly popular kava products that ALOT of people like!
I have stuck to HEADY kavas thus far, I like being awake, I love the heady buzzes that make you feel like you could talk and be social...
That give u a positive outlook on everything your doing ect, and this fits that bill perfectly! :)
And once I read that instants didn't need to be prepared I had to try some! A few people mention to me that Mo'i was very heady..
So that's pretty much how I choose it lol, and Iv been wanting to try something from Gourmet Hawaiian Kava
The Mo'i shipped out quick and within 3 days it was at my door! Fast shipping and then some!

So I of course had to open it and smell it, lol.....
It smelled very nice and slightly sweet, but a very light smell....about the opposite of Stone' kava, which is by far the worst taste and smell!
I got this stuff about 7 days ago, I didn't want to review without getting the proper feel for it...
So after a weeks worth of trying it every other day, I decided it's time :)

Effects came on fast, although I didn't pound down the 2 tsp right away, I made sure it was all gone within 15 minutes...
Within the first 5 minutes I could feel it, slowly building and climbing...
By the time the 6-8 ounces was finished, I was in a nice happy place!
My mind was VERY clear, senses seemed to be slightly heightened as well... sounds were clearer and easier to hear,
It was "for me" to be about the same headiness as the Kalm's Pouni Ono I have and love...
I'm sure it's different for everyone, which makes sense since everyone is different! lol...

After finishing my cup of this instant, and was already in a good head space...I decided to get out the Kava bible and read a few pages,
I realized I finally got passed the beginning where it's rather slow and filled with so much info on kava it makes ya head spin lol...
So I was right on the page where the effects were, what a perfect page I thought! :)
Reading was easy, it was also easy to not let much bother me...I was content and happy and had slightly more energy then when
I started. I started out taking just 1 tsp of this instant and still got good effects from it...last night I did 2 for the sake of this review :)
So the instants are much harder and faster hitting then say, a regular medium grind root powder!
The only draw back I found with the instants, is they don't provide all of the effects as the traditional method using medium grind root....
After about 40 minutes I was asking myself, should we go make another little glass with another tsp in it?
I was in a good spot but would like to have been taken slightly higher, I think maybe next time I will pound it right down...
I'm almost betting that will take effect very fast!

All in all this is an awesome product! For something so easy to use, something someone can make in less then 1 minute if they had to run out the door, this is just what the doctor ordered! :)
I will certainly be purchasing more from GHK in the future, there's a few kava's I want to try from them already! :)
If anyone is looking for a "Heady" instant kava, look no further then the Mo'i instant!


Kava Enthusiast
Not sure why I didn't see the Anti-Anxiety Effects? I tried going back to edit and couldn't figure out how to get to that spot again lol...

Deleted User01

Nice Review @Bradley666. Moi' has worked its way into my favorite kava. I usually start my kava in the afternoon and it gives me a nice pick me up when the afternoon doldrums hit me. A shell right before quitting time means I will have plenty of motivation to spend a few hours in the garden. I never have problem sleeping with these heady kavas because I normally wear myself out working after using them and I'm pleasantly exhausted after supper. Yeah, I love Moi' for all the reasons you stated.

P.S. I think some other members have stated that it has good anti-anxiety properties. You may have skipped it because you don't suffer from anxiety.


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks Deleted User01, :)
Oh and it wasen't that I didn't put the anti-anxiety properties, I just didn't see it in the beginning lol...
I may have just missed it but I try to be as detailed as possible in the reviews...
But yes I definitely agree that it would certainly help with anxiety! :)


Love. Like. Crazy.
Nice review!I have a new found respect for Mo'i. It definitely has nice anti-anxiety effects for me. As was suggested, I drank a little bit of medium grind...probably about 12 to 14 ounces or so before a job interview this morning.I was a bit ambivalant as I didn't want to be to sleepy for my interview or lazy brained. Lol. But not the Mo'i. I didn't get sleepy really at all. The interview seemed to go along nicely too.What can I say? Good stuff. I'm glad I didn't give up on kava like I almost did at times in the beginning. I drink it pretty much every day now. But even if I didn't it would be nice to have around for occasions as this. It can be very medicinal and therapeutic. There's a kava for every occasion I'd say.


Kava Enthusiast
Thats a good question,lol...but Im sure plenty of people do take kava before and after work...
Obviously were talking about a nice light heady type kava because u certainly don't want to be stumbling as you walk
through the front doors! hehe :p
There are soo many kava's now days that Im sure there are perfect examples of kavas that would be fine to
take in the a.m. before work....guess it depends on what your looking for...
I can see it being a nice pic-me-up like coffee with the right strain of kava, I'm sure others can comment
on this much more then I can,,,


Love. Like. Crazy.
I,usually,tend to wait on drinking kava because it seems I get a better kava vibe going in the afternoon if I wait.If I drink in the morning, the afternoon kava session effects seem to be somewhat diminished. Although still great relaxation and anxiety relief. That's why I never really bothered much drinking in the morning.I looked forward to getting a good blast of kava goodness going in the afternoon. :smuggrin:Yes, most kavas would make me too unmotivated to drink too early unless I plan on lounging around or going back to sleep. I'll probably reserve the Mo'i for noon or later unless I am facing a particularly stressful day. Then, I don't mind to partake earlier. It's nice to know there is that option for me. And, of course, kava effects everyone differently too. I like to hear everyone's experiences though. It is very interesting and can be quite helpful.

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Great review @Bradley666! Love hearing about the effects.

I found the Mo'i instant to be harder hitting than medium grind traditional prep. In the first five minutes I felt different.

Enjoying Mo'i/Pouni Ono mix tonight. Lovely.


Kava Enthusiast
Glad you mentioned that Steve Mariotti ,
I was thinking about mixing the 2 of them together soon...
As of yet I have had pretty mild effects,defiantly over the kava break through mark! lol :)
I can feel pretty good but have yet to really get a strong buzz going...but,
But I usually just keep things on the low side,that's how I have always been...ever since my teen days where
I would take just a 1/4 hit of acid and have a pretty strong experience lmao...
But last night as I was reading one of my books on kava, and reading the different levels of kava effects on the body
and brain, I noticed Im missing out!!!
I want to feel like what there talking about, not necessarily krunked but I definitely want to up the bar the next time
I do some kava...either mixing in of the mo'i instant along with the pouni ono, or...just upping the dose,
As I mentioned previously, I feel im a light weight for sure, lol...
But I only did 1 table spoon each and ever time I did the root powder, so I have a feeling , even if I just do
2 tbsp next, that I'm thinking will for sure put me in the right place!
Maybe I'm just getting more use to the effects and need slightly more but I just want to have the perfect break through experience that changes the way I think about kava, hehe..
I love the fact that I found kava, and we have places like this around where everyone can share the thoughts and opinions on this wonderful root :)


Kava Enthusiast
Ok so started working part time again, took a good year off but last night after busting ass ect...I ate dinner and waited few hours..smoked a few tokes of some herb :)
After 2 ours. Maybe 3....my body was very sore and achy! Could barley walk from standing in 1 spot for 7 hours.cramps ect..head was pounding..,
I decided that I was going to take 2 tsps of this Mo'i instant...so that I did :)
I used 4 ounces of cold spring water and whipped it up with a wire wisk...left a spoon in it so I could stir good before drinking ect...
So drank half of it down in 3 big gulps...slight mouth numbing early on...waited about 10 minutes to see how I felt, started feeling it in 5 minutes flat!
So stired and drank the rest of the Mo'i....
In another 10 minutes I was bragging to the girlfriend how amazing I felt! This was the one I havr been waiting for! :)
Every single ache. Pain and sore muscles. Throughout the hole body were gone! Headache ...gone!
This was to date my best experience with this amazing root! My girl was buzzing from the herb..and i was soaring on the kava! The buzz was out if this world with energy ..great active heady buzz! Every 5 mins I would say " holy crap i feel amazing" .lol
It was pure bliss and then some,
I have a great respect for kava even more so then I did last month lol...this moi from GHK is amazing and I will have to order more when I run low :)


Kava Enthusiast
Ok so after a couple days away from kava...And after getting out of work, I took a few hour nap and woke with preasure in the head. Along with a headache!
I woke up and started reading reviews of different kavas from GHK...
Then a light went off in my brain that said..go take some instant Mo'i! :)
Again 2tsp..with 3-4 ounces of water,all gone in 5 minutes,
After about 5 more minutes I started getting the calm blanket effects again lol...as the effects grew my headache and preasure parted ways!
This time I wanted to drink it down fast ,so as to get the most from the 2tsp....
GHK found a gem with this kava!
Such a nice peacefull calm clear heady kava..that easliy puts a smile on my face :)
Next time I think I will do 3 tsp and see how that works for me hehe...


"Sounds sounded clearer", sounds like you've got yourself in a great, 'heady' kava space, love that mind-clearing, sound-changing effect. Gotta order this.


Kava Enthusiast
On the forum it seems like just about everyone loves moi, Iv only read a few people say they didnt like moi..other then that, its one of the kavas that's very popular! cant go wrong, and provides an amazing heady/relaxation effects :)