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Micronized Kava Review Mo’i - Micronized


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro

Mō'ī (MOH-EE)
What can I say about Mo'i, that hasn't been said already ? Nothing, probably. Mo'i has
always been one of the most popular and available Hawaiian 'awas, along with Mahakea &
Hiwa. The only Mo'i I've had, previous to GHK, was some that I bought years ago from
HKC. HKC's Mo'i was very light and creamy flavored, but also extremely mild. I suspect
now, that it may have been 100% root stump ("lawena"). Past & present, I've always been
more interested the stronger, more prominent effects of things like Mahakea & Stone. So,
giving Mo'i another shot has taken me quite some time, but I'm glad I did.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava's Mo'i, is the master "heady" kava. It is absolutely the most
potent head dominant strain I've ever had. Being that I've always had a hard time
'feeling' heady strains, I'm glad to have this one around, as it allows me to enjoy a
proper, strong, heady kava experience without having to waste an obscene amount of root.
4 Tbsp of Micronized was often enough to have the full blown, loose eyed, inflated skull,
perma-grin heady experience. Even with stronger feeling cultivars, it takes me 5-6 Tbsp
of micro to go all the way.

I put Mo'i in the same catagory as KavaBoy's Tongan kava and the Samoan 'Ava Lea. Mo'i is
clearly the most potent, but I'd say the 'Ava Lea & Hinehina have a smoother, creamier
flavor, more akin to how I remembered HKC's Mo'i. Perhaps the slightly more bitter bite of
this Mo'i is directly related to it's potency. I prize potency over flavor anyhow, and
I've certainly had worse.

Effects-wise, it's a clear-headed, uplifting buzz. That, of course, still has the classic
kava aura of calmness. Potent enough to ring your ears, lag your vision and give you a
bit of floatiness...but it's so decidedly heady, you never feel clouded, groggy or slowed
down much. It doesn't have any real hint of the dreamy, slow-mo perception you'd feel
with something more DHK dominant and it certainly doesn't have the lazy, heavy, sedation
and body massage vibes of DHM strains. In fact, for as potent as it feels, it almost
seems as though it simultaneously isn't affecting you at all. This makes it perfectly
suited for people who need daytime anxiety relief, without feeling impaired by their
medicine. Good Stuff.


Deactivated Account

Its my last packet from Chris im yet to open. Now its doomed tomorrow. Louve heady ! That full of glue with your head in a vice that has Ronnie Coleman winding it closed.


Me like da kava
Amazing stuff right here. Decided to go straight with the Moi tonight, 4 tbsp all at once for that rush, and the feeling is on a far 'nother level. One of the best headys I've had at this point.
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