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Micronized Kava Review Mo’i - Micronized

Jake o Links

Krunkin with Sasquatch!
I've had Mo'i a few times, and it never hit me like this. I started late, or early depending on perspective, around 4am. I went to take a shower by 5, so I don't know how much sedative effect is from the kava, and how much is from the shower. I had dumped four tea spoons full into a small cup and filled about half way with water. I chugged as much as I could, but on the last of it I nearly hurled. I chased it with some water which helped. It was indeed thick, but I've gone to making stronger drinks so I have to drink less of it most of the time. I tried another 2 teaspoons, but could only get half of it down, and then off to the shower. It was sometime in that steamy bliss that I realized a pleasant dizziness had befallen me. This has continued until the present time, 6am. I drank more caffeine today (Friday), than I had all week, so it's no wonder I'm up (tolerance is down, because I put myself on a low caffeine diet). Hawaiian Kava tends to keep me awake, anyhow, so I wasn't really planning on sleeping. Needless to say, I am indeed "properly rooted". A nice dizzy buzz bounces around my skull, as my body just kind of settles into my pillows. I do a routine pain check, that I always do with my kava and "nope" no back pain. Do I want a beer? Nope. This is a very nice kava that I would recommend, though I'm not sure I would recommend as a "first" kava. The stomach is too volatile, and I feel like I could lose it, especially if I had a coughing fit. There really isn't any discomfort, I can just tell it is sensitive. This is a good strong kava, very cerebral. Not the most muscle relaxing kava I've ever had, but enough to kill my pain. I'm happy.