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Powdered Kava Review Mo'i

Steve T

Kava Enthusiast
I have tried many of Chris's kavas as medium grinds over the months, and when I try them I look for 1) certain heady/relaxing/sedative effects, 2) a grind which separates sediment from the drink very easily, 3) no hangovers (which is all of Chris's kavas), 4) bang for the buck. We've all seen Moi promoted as instant or micronized. I've tried all these new kavas, Chris's flavors of the month and so forth, and wanted to go back to the basics and try medium Moi. It is my understanding that Papa Ele Ele is very popular in Hawaii, and it's my favorite, so there must be a reason why Moi is popular as well.

If you are looking for heady effects, it's great. In terms of Chris's kavas with euphoric effects, Mahakea is #1 and Moi is #2, in my opinion. I think Moi is #1 for anxiolytic effects, though many others are close. The taste is great as a medium grind, and after filtering the kava the brew separates very easily from the sediment after a few hours in the fridge. This is important to me and maybe a few others because it reduces some GI effects and probably dermopathy as well. Moi hits harder than Mahakea in my opinion, and I can tell because when I mix 50/50 Mahakea and Moi it is not as "strong" as 100 Moi, but it is slightly more euphoric with more energy. Moi is a very clean, relaxing kava, and it hits hard.

Most people here believe that certain kavas serve certain purposes, which is a good philosophy. Moi is reliable for relaxation. Borogoru is a reliable body/krunk medicine. Opihikao or Nene are good for falling asleep. Mahakea is good for daytime since it lifts your mood and gives you (or doesn't hinder your) energy.

That is why Moi is good. For over a week now I've drank 5 tbsp Moi with 3 tbsp Borogoru, and it gives the balanced effect I'm looking for (like Papa Ele Ele). If I want less of the krunk feeling but want to sleep well, I do 4 Moi 4 Opihikao. I have had 8 tbsp Moi by itself a few times and it's good, but I don't get to the certain level of krunk that I'm looking for, and I have sleeping problems and generally can't fall/stay asleep without Boroguru or Opihikao thrown in. However if I drank 8 tbsp of Boroguru I don't think I would enjoy myself or be able to function the next day either.

So 5 Moi 3 Borogoru is my daily drink at the moment. I can start drinking this brew after work and whether I finish it quickly or spread it out over time, it lasts 5-6 hours (until bed). This is important to me as well because there is nothing worse than having 2 hours of krunkenness after work, then you become sober, and 4 hours later at bed time you are pissed off hahah. Or worse, having to wait until right before bed to chug it, not being relaxed most of the night as a result, and also getting hungover the next day.

Shoutout to a classic kava.
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Bula To Eternity
Awesome review @Steve T !!! (y) I'm telling you there's a lot of great review talent here and I'm so happy reading everyone's reviews.
I've tried both (micro not powder) but so far I prefer the Moi the best of the two. Hard to say why, I think I get a little more bang for the buck with Moi, while the Mahakea just seemed milder to me. But I might go back to it and try it again. I may not have given it fair chance.

Reading all these great reviews makes me feel like a newbie with awe.
Here's my rating of your review: ::happyshell::::happyshell::::happyshell::::happyshell::::happyshell::

Deleted User01

Oh Moi! That was an excellent review and I totally believe that every Kava has it's particular purpose. I'm doing some Mahakea at my desk now in fact. One little teaspoon at a time and I'm steady as she goes. You brought up a point about cold kava that we sometimes forget, the gunk goes to the bottom. Some might say that is the good stuff but not good for everyone. Nice one Steve T!