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More and more side effects the longer you take kava?


Kava Enthusiast
Hi @ll,

the longer I take kava, the more I have to realize, that I have more and more side effects. My body needs longer to recover... my mind also.
Like you drank a bit much 1-2 days, and you have to pay a lot longer than in the beginning of the kava journey.

Same time the body reacts with "side effects" that haven't been there in the beginning.

Is this common to others, too?

Just had a 10 day break (which for me is a long time within the last 6 months) and I wasn't really "recovered" and set to "zero" within those 10 days. Also my mental "longing" for kava, which can be very strong meanwhile, didn't really go away within 10 days. Actually I wanted to stop because how my body reacts... but I find excuses again and again *caugh

6-12 months ago, and of course years ago... leaving kava for 2-3 days, and I was "free" - could leave it for months without any problem if needed.

Edit: A side effect that's happening meanwhile, but not back then: After drinking my first cups of the day, also after a break, I start to freeze. Never had that months ago. It is like feeling weak and freezing... when you drink more and more than it gets better.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Hi @ll,

the longer I take kava, the more I have to realize, that I have more and more side effects. My body needs longer to recover... my mind also.
Like you drank a bit much 1-2 days, and you have to pay a lot longer than in the beginning of the kava journey.

Same time the body reacts with "side effects" that haven't been there in the beginning.

Is this common to others, too?

Just had a 10 day break (which for me is a long time within the last 6 months) and I wasn't really "recovered" and set to "zero" within those 10 days. Also my mental "longing" for kava, which can be very strong meanwhile, didn't really go away within 10 days. Actually I wanted to stop because how my body reacts... but I find excuses again and again *caugh

6-12 months ago, and of course years ago... leaving kava for 2-3 days, and I was "free" - could leave it for months without any problem if needed.

Edit: A side effect that's happening meanwhile, but not back then: After drinking my first cups of the day, also after a break, I start to freeze. Never had that months ago. It is like feeling weak and freezing... when you drink more and more than it gets better.
Entirely alien to me, truthfully. Just shy of 20 years of daily consumption here and it feels the same way it always did minus the variations that just come along with it.

Oh, and kava has made me feel cold about 90% of the time I drink it, even after those twenty years.


Kava Enthusiast
I have been putting more intention into what I eat with kava, and how long in between eating food and drinking kava I go. The best for me seems to be either a short while after a small meal or a long while after a bit one, with some snacks on the side is better for me than empty-stomaching it. I find this way I can drink more kava over time though it's still hard on my belly, the trade off is worth it all the while for me. Let's see if my new strainer helps!


Kava Lover
I start to freeze. Never had that months ago. It is like feeling weak and freezing... when you drink more and more than it gets better.
can you explain this a little bit more, like flesh out what the feeling is to you? does it happen any specific time of your day? I think I can relate to this. I tend to think of it as something like a “harsh come up” and the time of day that I’m drinking kava has a huge bearing on it. If I’ve already been busy that day it doesn’t really bother me. Seems worse early in the day when cortisol is high, and the worst when I’m already anxious or haven’t been outside enough etc.