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I Love Kava Friday More like "FINALLY kava Friday"

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Alright, whoever is playing with the thermostat and running the heat up, please stop it, lol. This last week has been one of the most insane weeks I've had in a long time. Combine 100°F/40°C with continual supply chain issues, and you make for some rather unhappy customers who just can't seem to figure out the world doesn't look like it did 5 years ago. Ahhh, I digress. Just glad to be headed into the weekend.

I hope you all have an excellent and relaxing weekend. I plan on attempting to soak up as much AC as humanly possible.



Position 5 Hard Support
It's been a while since I've posted around here. I hope this hot weekend is not too bad for folks. I'm jealous of my roommate going up north for the weekend where the temperatures are milder.

Keep cool and hydrated, everyone!


Kava Enthusiast
Cold temps here! I came home to the heat being on. Work, served a 51-top at closing. I got us all to listen to You Should Be Dancing and Saturday Night Fever by the Beegees! Great stuff. Love them hippies. Today's Fathers Day!

The kava depot kilo went surprisingly quick. It lasted me as long as a pound usually does, (a week). I was about to say, good thing I ordered Squanch, I also have my freezer makas for excellent rebrewing. Today I'm going to cut a vacuum sealed portion of the saved dry roots for fresh kava and enjoy the rebrews on my days off when I have more time.