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Most Euphoric Kava.


Kava Curious
I'm looking for input on what this group considers to be the most euphoriant rich kava out there.  I love the dopey, relaxing effect as well, but I'm a bigger fan of that initial feeling of peaceful bliss that accompanies some kavas on an empty stomach near the beach. I'm currently drinking my way through a pound of Mo'i, which I like a lot, but doesn't seem to have the early buzz that I enjoy.  Any feedback is appreciated.

Thanks much!


Kava Curious
i know what you speak of, and it's rather elusive. i haven't been able to nail down the exact circumstances for that effect, but there is more to it than just a specific kava. i have gotten that strong euphoric effect for perhaps 15 minutes with a kava, and then not gotten it at all in other sessions with the same kava, preperation, etc.

if you were looking for a simpler answer; get something with a high kavain content.