Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
Hello. This is my first post on this forum. I've and heard and experienced great things regarding the euphoria of Fu'u from BKH. I have another half of a kilo on the way that should be here tomorrow. I apologize in advance if I start to ramble, because I just had five shells of aforementioned Fu'u. (smiley: wink) I just recently got out of treatment from a facility and have been looking for healthier ways to satisfy my desire for an altered state of mind. Obviously Kava isn't quite as effective as some other substances I've made the mistake of indulging in, but it's certainly much healthier. Anyway, what I'm looking for is other Kavas like this- not necessarily so physically intoxicating as to become unmotivated, but with some decent mood elevation. The biggest reason I am looking for these kind of effects is because we will be going on vacation soon and I would like to spend it feeling at least a little different. Thanks in advance. And I apologize if this has already been discussed.