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Most "Recreational" Kavas?


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
Hello. This is my first post on this forum. I've and heard and experienced great things regarding the euphoria of Fu'u from BKH. I have another half of a kilo on the way that should be here tomorrow. I apologize in advance if I start to ramble, because I just had five shells of aforementioned Fu'u. (smiley: wink) I just recently got out of treatment from a facility and have been looking for healthier ways to satisfy my desire for an altered state of mind. Obviously Kava isn't quite as effective as some other substances I've made the mistake of indulging in, but it's certainly much healthier. Anyway, what I'm looking for is other Kavas like this- not necessarily so physically intoxicating as to become unmotivated, but with some decent mood elevation. The biggest reason I am looking for these kind of effects is because we will be going on vacation soon and I would like to spend it feeling at least a little different. Thanks in advance. And I apologize if this has already been discussed.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Whatever your past I think I can say we're all glad you found kava and have begun the process of getting yourself straightened out. At the risk of sounding horribly corny, I think kava is good for you and good for the soul. You'll find a lot of discussion and good information around here. The link Karma gave you should give you a good starting point.
Welcome to the kava lounge and I hope in time you come to see kava as more of a way of life and an entirely different state of mind rather than just a recreational mood enhancer. See you around.
(flash video)


Kava Enthusiast
Different strains of kava have variant amounts of kavalactones and each person has a different affinity to finding different kavalactone profiles enjoyable. Each and every kava in it's own right is recreational and there is a lot of hits and misses between kava drinkers. Fu'u is a great choice and is very high in Kavain and that is choice kavalactone for alot of people, I personally enjoy the double bonded kavalactones such as DHM as they are more physically overpowering.Mabye try the boroguro from BKH as well and see how your body adapts to DHM and if thats the kavalactone that calls out to you. If you have just began drinking kava there will be a period of reverse tolerance building and even the most powerful kava on earth will not have full effects. Give it a few weeks and your body will become accustomed to processing kavalactones and you will find less does more. I also went to kava after a long period of serious subtance and resultant legal problems and there is a neurological ceiling effect that seems to be related to the brain being accustomed to more powerfull substances and it takes time for the brain to readjust. It should be stated that kava is not going to feel like an illegal substance and will most likely be of minor dissapointment if ones using it to substitute controlled substances. It is fun and relaxing in it's own right and sometimes overpowering given reverse tolerance and strains, but drinking kava is more of a lifestyle change and attitude adjustment.